Discord people are weird. Not channers on discord, just people that only use discord...

Discord people are weird. Not channers on discord, just people that only use discord. They basically jump between the fifteen servers they're in and go in whichever one has people talking, and just start randomly talking about their own bullshit as if they're Forrest Gump. I suppose it's somewhat like bar hopping but for shut ins, but even drunk people at bars have a better filter than discord users. I'm not trying to completely shit on them, it's just this strange, disconnected community I never understood till recently. I figured people just hung out in one server they got comfortable in eventually, not that people were instantly comfortable with talking at length on whatever server is popping and even on cam.

Attached: discord_6094185.jpg (1920x1080, 179.44K)

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>I figured people just hung out in one server they got comfortable in eventually
it used to be like this. you missed it. I quit discord because it's the same people in every server now and the drama isn't even good anymore if there even is any.

I probably did, I just wasn't interested when discord was new.

How do people find servers of value? The picture of Discord in my mind is:
> massive public discords that are far too big to actually get to know others
> private discords

I hear about people hooking up with girls on it and I have no idea what servers they're even joining to begin with

Actually, I won't even say I wasn't interested. I just didn't have the balls, I've always been a socially avoidant person.

it's really tiring, trying to establish any kind of meaningful rapport, a promising conversation always fizzles out due to lack of interest or straight-out ghosting
the app's also designed to keep you flipping through servers and channels with the little unread icon (which is the first thing I disable)

It's hard to find, took me a few months of lurking to find some good communities

My main issue with discord is that I spend an unheathy amount of time on it, and that's still with me being on 4ch, some other alt chans, lurking IRC, and a couple online game forums, but discord is where I've been spending most time nowadays.
Trying out self restraint and cold turkey blocker for a while

My two cents: Any Forums *can* be mentally stimulating, but discord can be very mentally nourishing if you find nice friendly people.

I used to be a minor e-celeb and I kind of regret not just going all the way with it. I probably could've been chillin with all my orbiters rn but I decided to be a stupid adult instead.

I don't like discord because there's always some tranny janny in there that will ban you for having a different opinion than him or if he feels you are taking away from his clout in the group. Tranny jannies are extremely territorial.

Attached: fedora.jpg (625x400, 149.2K)

not even friendly people, it's just discord gives you much more effective social validation which is what people who are online too much crave

Yeah, I myself noticed even the cool one gets slightly mad at me if I'm getting too much attention from his favorite members.

can confirm. I got instabanned from a server by a tranny mod for saying that I'm unvaccinated.

Yeah it's even funnier to hear some tranny janny lecture you about the vaxx when you already had covid and it wasn't a big deal. But he's some gigabrain expert about it.

fuck off teens

It's not that they are weird, just pure evil. ESPECIALLY the debate communities. I've heard them have lengthy debates on how pedos are ok and most of them are edgy arrogant atheists but not the skinny type but the semi-chad type who leverage it in demonic Machiavellian ways.


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Well and none of them actually follow any rules of debate or debate with good faith. It's all retarded sophistry and they ban anyone that gains ground on them. Complete circle jerk of pedos and other egotistical loser idiots.

Some of them are actually rich so you can't even write them off as pathetic nerd virgins. But yeah they do use their advanced rhetoric tactics to demoralize and 'defeat' new people who come in there

Debating immaterial things is gay anyway.

You're right. As I've gotten older I've realized how much of a colossal waste of time it is to try to debate people who have zero intention of having their minds changed. Even if you win they will refuse to change their stance.

Discussion and debate is for people who consider themselves equals. Tranny jannies consider themselves to superior to you and instead of engaging you will just attempt to browbeat and humiliate you to maintain their idea of the social pecking order.

>Tranny jannies consider themselves to superior to you and instead of engaging you will just attempt to browbeat and humiliate you to maintain their idea of the social pecking order

basically this. I used to have a vocaroo showing an example of this. But yeah adding to what you said, they will also bring their friends in and talk over you so you look like the 'bad guy'

Should I start using discord I don't have any friends in real life?
To what extent is it anonymous?

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didn't you rad the posts directly above yours? No. They love doxxing people and witch hunting,

If you have no experience voice chatting on the internet it will be too nerve wracking for you. It's taken me literal years to be completely at ease with it. At least I assume my experience would be the same for other robots, maybe it won't bother you at all