Do you fear death, robots?

Do you fear death, robots?

I don't really know how to feel about this topic.
Whenever I think about not existent anymore a feeling of draed and terror emanates from my core being.

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When I think about death a sense of calm and relaxation washes over me, finally I can rest my road weary feet and not stress for a few lifetimes. This world is shit and I'll be glad when I'm finished with its bullshit.

On some level, I get the same existential dread. On the other, I was with my only friend of the past 15 years die last year. I have never seen the death of someone I cared about so much before. It may be terrifying but really if there is anything after, I hope we will be reunited. If not, to be frank, the void seems preferable to life alone.

This. No matter how shitty my life gets, death is waiting for me to free me from mortal world and its problems.

You know, I thought I did but then I do things like go triple the speed limit around corners on my bike. Maybe I once feared it but my life choices tell me I now welcome it.

I don't fear it but I'm certainly afraid of how I'm gonna go out, I don't want it to be instant but I don't want it to be dragged out either.

Death walks besides me.
He's my friend. Religion is based upon the fear of a non eternal life but there is not so much to fear.
I don't wanna kill myself but I also don't wanna fear something so natural.

What evidence is there for the belief that you will be non-existent?

99% of the time when I think about death it doesn't bother me. But sometimes if I think about it too long I get this weird panic attack thing, where I'm like "HOLY FUCKING SHIT DEEEEEEATH!"
Also I can't look at dead bodies. A friend of mine died a few years ago and he had an open casket wake. I could only glance at the body for like two seconds, I had to look away, too spooky.

To me, a fear of anything is a fear of death, every fear can always be traced back to death and I'm afraid of heights.

Same here, there were times I want to exit, but then I experienced a huge fear like moment.
I wish I could jusT do it.

death, no
dying, yes
almost got hit by some redneck in a big ass truck and as I jumped to the curb all I thought was
"If I die, the emt will get the weed in my pocket."

While is in the air, in my head and thoughts is pretty chill but as you experience getting closer to death it becomes scarier and scarier. I wish I was more chill about it.

Yes I have since I was a child.
I remember my mom took me to therapist at around 10 and I said well I have trouble imagining the world going on without me, it doesn't feel real because where am I what is my perspective?

And they were like oh so you don't know what reality you live in? You have trouble knowing what's real and what's not? And I said nonono.

Then they told me "leave that for the college students to worry about!"

Half the time I feel the dread and the terror like these anons.
Other half, I get this kind of auto-sadistic thrill out of making myself feel that dread.
It's definitely not masochism, because the pleasure is not a result of feeling the pain; it's the inflicting of the pain on myself that I seem to enjoy.
I like to imagine being myself and my ghost, looking down at my physical body as it dies, all while laughing at, taunting, making fun of my physical body as it wets itself, sobs in fear, and begs to be spared.

Death doesn't exist. Think about it, have YOU ever died? Thought so.

I can't wait for death. I love death and hate life. I think about death a lot and what may come after. I'm also curious what the final seconds of my life will be like. What I will feel and what I will think.

it's going to happen no matter what. How bad could it be i was dead before i was born

I've never feared death.
But when i was younger, i used to fear the agony before it.
Now it's okay. You just need to be close to death a few times and it'll pass.
Nothing like agonizing at the hospital and ending in a coma with your belly open to realize death isn't the worst thing that can happen.

I fear living in a shithole like South America. Thankfully, I live in the United States of America.

I welcome death, it is my friend.

There are things to fear afterward as well.

Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgment ...

Yes, sometimes my heart beats abnormally and it reminds me that my time here is fading away. Don't like being poetic or anything but it makes me question why I let things bother me, why do I imprison myself in this room?
I am afraid to die that's for certain, however I do not allow myself to live. And while I'm having these moments of introspection and trying to wrap my head around these contradicting beliefs.
I can't help but feel that in my day to day life I desire to be dead.
I want to live but life is painful, I want to die but dying is painful.

When my time comes I can't help but remember my father seeing him in his death bed. All his life he was broody man, stoic even as if he was comfortable, but behind it all I knew it was a farce. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to live, that he wanted to experience more, and yet he never did. I am like my father in this regard, and I don't know if I will ever be able to live the life I've wanted to live for so long.