What exercises will let me do this to a motherfucker?

What exercises will let me do this to a motherfucker?

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Wrestling and judo. Wrestlers are the strongest mf I know, awkward as fuck though

Oh fuck I hope he shattered his forearms and elbows. That would bring me such joy.

lmao rekt faggot


I did that in my 1st year of highschool lol
I was a big kid,a manlet and did it to a lanklet.
We became friends.

Clean & Jerk.

Getting manhandled like that has got to be worse than getting heemed stiff.

Someone on reddit said he lived with a cracked skull but then a mirror.uk article said an ambulance was called with the police but the ambulance was then not needed because the guy who got slammed left the restaurant before the cops got there

Zercher squats. Using your elbows to pull a weight into your body plus lifting with a rounded back is practical as fuck.

Probably went home and died in his sleep with concussion.

Dude didn't want to catch unnecessary 1st degree murder charges.

he was knocked out and his friend rolled him over to see blood pouring out of his nose

>reading comprehension

The lift looks more like an Atlas Stone/Clean & Jerk lift desu and some Halo action.

you can't read and also don't know what first degree murder is

He probably had done similar shit to other people and had warrants.

>welcome to taco bell motherfucker

what the fuck are you talking about?

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power clean, squat, grappling