I'm assembling a team

i'm assembling a team

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Oh shit, I'm sorry.

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count me in

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One last job

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Say no more, I'm in.

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i asked my wife im allowed to stay out until 10

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in this summer..

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I'm in

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Sorry for what?

When and where?

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Our daddy taught us to never be ashamed of the size of our dicks, especially they’re such good size and all.

Count me in, boys!

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you bastards really gonna do this eh? aright one last round

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Holy kek

I kneel...

That looks painful

my last day before retirement..... i'm in

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I want steve rambo's physique

*sigh* Another day lived, another mess to clean.

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Ok I pull up

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Based pict chad

...I was preparing for this....

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i told you i dont do that life no moer...

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