Drink Rockstar

> Drink Rockstar
Tates like shit
> Drink Monster
Have to shit
> Look at Redbull
Price is shit
> Coffe
Bad breath, yellow teeth, and tastes bad.

They don't even make me feel energetic... Am I being filtered?

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Why not pop a caffeine tablet instead? No teeth stain, no taste, quick and powerful, throw in l-theanine to counter side effects and l-tyrosine for more energy and you are set

>> Coffe
I'm retarded

Hey Basically I'm just not gonna take them (the list of drugs and supplements).... UGH I know..... It's just that I'm not gonna take them is all HAHAHAHA

Try this. Jolt also makes a caffeinated gum.

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>Bad breath, yellow teeth, and tastes bad.

Sugar obsessed baby detected. If you can't drink coffee black then you have bigger problems

idk how many monsters you're drinking but I have to drink minimum 3 ultras back to back to have to shit, but that's what happens when you guzzle sweeteners like an animal

> Drink sugarshit
Tates like shit
> Drink sugarshit
Have to shit
> Look at sugarshit
Price is shit

Color me suprised, get some caffiene pills or caffeinated tea. You could also skip caffiene entirely and just take a shitload of maca..

eating simple high carb foods like pancakes, cakes, and white bread with jam makes me feel unstoppable for a few hours. I have good insulin sensitivity but I can't imagine eating this shit every day like a lard.

is it just me or do some monster ultra taste less strong then they used to? like I got some ultra paradise and the flavor is way less strong than it used to be

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drink a can of spike energy. not the shooters but the full can. it will make your face tingle and you'll be compelled to move your arms and legs. it's got over two years worth of b12 (methylcobalamine, the stuff that kept John mccafee alive) and 350mg of caffeine, or in other words, a shitload. obviously if you're an old man or a woman you shouldn't have any.

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sugar free red bull and white monster are the best. also five hour energy extra strength.


pre workout and vitamin b2, you're welcome bitch.

This OP. Take the caffeine pill. Popping a 200mg makes me focus real quick.


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My friend drinks a monster a day and just had to have triple bypass surgery. He’s 43

for me, its mother.

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>Have to shit
>What is caffeine?