I have trouble getting in 3000kcal everyday, got any advice for me?

i have trouble getting in 3000kcal everyday, got any advice for me?

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think not of calories but daily protons

"everyday" is an adjective; you mean "every day".

>be fat fuck
>cut on 1500 kcal a day
>requires careful planning
>see this kind of thread

jesus fucking christ how the fuck do you have trouble getting in 3000 kcal a day just eat fatty meat and drink whole milk

They both need a BBC or four.

but the poor guy isn't hungry :(

>be fat fuck
>cut on 1500 kcal a day
You know tub tub it would be easier for you if instead of sitting on your ass 24 hours a day you actually get up and decided to be active. Running/walking in the AM and lifting in the PM would give you roughly 1000 extra calories of wiggle room for your cut

make a big ass smoothie and drink the son bitch

drink olive oil

Drink soimilk

Get used to it
Slowly increase calories
If 2k is comfortable for you, try 2.2k for a few days and keep increasing over time

Same with cutting
Stupid fatties who eat 4k calories won't be able to cut on 1.5k the next day like its nothing

Eat nuts

I got used to eating over 3k a day for bulking. Now I am struggling to stay at 2800 to cut. Gradual increase in the amount of food you eat and the type of food. Personally I think its easier to hit higher caloric targets but I may just be fat.

I do a PPL 6x a week too. lost 50 pounds since january

>i have trouble getting in 3000kcal everyday,
this is so easy
I have the opposite problem

hunter's bussy has probably seen her fair share by now

>just eat less vs work out
nah, pretty sure not doing something is easier and more efficient than additionally doing something.

Now that's advice.

dude, it just goes both ways. your appetite is too high for your goal. that dude's appetite is too low for his.

Not guy but that's retarded. 10k steps a day + plus weights will not burn off 1000 extra calories. It will help and expediate the process but fuck this bullshit about how it's cardio that's going to really drive an effective cut rather than diet.

add more oils and nuts/seeds. peanuts have been a godsend for me. i can easily eat 2x80g bags in one sitting, that's 1,000cals right here already. try not to overload on fibrous vegetables and eat fat with your protein. in other words, don't just consume fat free dairy, cucumbers and protein shakes all day.

>implying everyone has time and money to prepare 3000 calories of meat meals everyday
inb4 weak dyel yngmi

>not doing something is easier

>can lift 7 days a week
>cant nofap more than 3 days

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