The issue with most 'incels' is they are mentally ill but they are not aware of it themselves...

The issue with most 'incels' is they are mentally ill but they are not aware of it themselves. They have all the hallmark symptoms of depression as well as various other pathological disorders that when put together makes someone who becomes an isolated shutin.

how can we make them realise that they can fix their lives if they stop digesting all this blackpill shit? I dont know. It might be too late for them.

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most of them have a combination of bad genes and bad life experiences, they're fucked

Government funded, door-to-door female rape squads. If they don't comply, they will be shot.

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incels are so 2016, no one cares about them anymore. get a life you autist

Incels are preferable to normie scum

>incels are so 2016
No they're not.

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>The issue with most 'incels' is they are mentally ill but they are not aware of it themselves
There are aspie/depression threads here

>how can we make them realise that they can fix their lives if they stop digesting all this blackpill shit?
I thought you said this was mental illness. Wouldnt seeking blackpill shit be a symptom of mental illness? Unless you're of the opinion that the blackpill shit causes their mental illness. In which case everyone else on Any Forums is just one thread away from depveloping a mental illness and r9k is somehow an infectious disease that everyone else just avoids and didnt takeover the site. Idk i think there's a bigger argument that Any Forums is an infectious disease.
Idk are the two points you have just maybe unrelated?

yes they are, grow up get off the internet and get a life.

Though the symptoms of incelism are the same the causes vary greatly. Some are terrified of or communicate poorly with women due to childhood trauma or neglect, some have their sexual motivation destroyed by decades of porn addiction, some suffer from severe mental illness, some are autistic, some are just unbearably ugly, etc. Incelism stems from so many different issues that one or two societal changes alone won't fix it. The best single solution imo is sex therapy but that's not happening anytime soon.

Sorry sweaty, you'll have to save me

you are retarded, stop confusing cause with effect.

How would sex therapy help with it?

Many incels if they didnt get addicted to their PCS growing up would have been fine

it is bad. robots wont listen to any advise. They prefer self destruction and they will spread their hate everywhere. You guys just dont realize how fucked up these people can be. better to stop trying to save robots they dont want saving they want everyone to feel as shitty as they do

>the reason you are an incel is because you play video games, watch anime, and have an anime body pillow!

no, those niggas know they have no chance with women through their own experiences with them, THATS why they are into those hobbies to begin with. its their way of coping with it.

>they want everyone to feel as shitty as they do
slightly depressed normies want everyone here to think that they suffer. they can't stand when someone tells them that no, their life isnt over, they can be happy and get back out there. then they make retarded robot hate threads like OP and say stupid shit like

Lmao, the gaslighting never ends.
>Bro, just turn off your PC lmao, it's all in your head like just touch grass hahaha

It gives incels a reliable positive experience with women on which they can fall back. It also increases their sexual ability and confidence, and makes them more at ease around and open to women in turn. Finally, the experience will make them less resentful and self-deprecating, and better able to find partners organically in the future. Think of it this way: a man who can't run gets a physical therapist to teach him how to use his legs until he can do so on his own. Likewise, men who struggle to find partners need someone to guide them through the process until they're capable lovers.

Oh and don't forget, you were the real bullies all along.

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wtf they arr rook the same

>gives incels a reliable positive experience with women on which they can fall back
I'm an incel and I already have this after a nice experience with a fembot.
>It also increases their sexual ability and confidence
How will this help me if women don't like me in the first place?
>and makes them more at ease around and open to women in turn
This could be useful
>Likewise, men who struggle to find partners need someone to guide them through the process until they're capable lovers.
It is not that I'm not a capable lover, it is that I'm 5'5" and not socially acclimated. I have went to cognitive therapy and the only thing I got out of that was the knowledge that I have OCD and was not helped out socially or really aided with the OCD at all (until I underwent hypnosis elsewhere).

>slightly depressed normies want everyone here to think that they suffer. they can't stand when someone tells them that no, their life isnt over, they can be happy and get back out there. then they make retarded robot hate threads like OP and say stupid shit like (You)

You're wrong you just either just to be blind or live your life an ignorant prick.

>I'm an incel and I already have this after a nice experience with a fembot.

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Most of the problems that incels face are beyond them and are institutional problems. They can't help being short, ugly, not having father figures etc

She didn't fuck me, she was just there to hear what I have to say at a low point in my life.

same, i've had sex plenty of times with girls less attractive than I am, doesn't change that I'm still an incel

Incels increase in prominence because young men will it to be true. r9k's rhetoric is a virus