Lifting wisdom

ITT we post knowledge we gained that we wish we knew when we first started. You ideally should have lifted at least 5+ years to contribute to this thread. I'll start (8 year lifter here)

>A lot of girls don't care about how strong or fit you look so long as you aren't fat. When you're really strong, you'll get more attention from other men than women. Still, it certainly doesn't hurt with girls to be fit but don't expect it to do much besides enhance existing attraction
>SL is a meme, SS should be run maximum 2-3 months if at all. GSLP is a better beginning program
>Most beginners need to eat WAY more than they think they're eating unless you're overweight, it's hard to build muscle on a deficit
>Sleep is highly underlooked when it comes to gains. Sleep is essential
>Food really is the best medicine
>Creatine, D3, Omega 3, Zinc and Magnesium cover 95% of supplementation needs
>If it hurts, stop doing it. Deload. A temporary 2 week ego deload is better than 6 months of injury pain
>Go as hard on accessories as you do on compounds. The right accessories can up your compound totals immensely
>Mindset is 75% of the lift when going for a PR. If you think you can or can't, you're right
>Sunlight and fresh air do wonders for your health. Try to get some sun daily and sleep with your window open
>Simple walking is a great form of cardio you can do all your life, same with swimming
>If you think you're going bald, shave it. It's a lot less important than you think and once you've done it you'll be glad you did
>80% of people in the gym have terminal fuckarounditis and may not even be following a program. If you're using a program and recording your lifts progressively in a note book you're already ahead

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>The big 3 are the big 3 for a reason: getting stronger on squat, bench and DL will not only make you aesthetic but it is important for a balanced physique and strong tendons/supporting muscles.
>Machines aren't the devil; they can be very good for isolation exercises and better than dumbbells often
>90% of people get extremely unhealthy by the time they hit 30, not just physically but also mentally
>If you don't prioritize sustainable, long-term exercise, you'll end up fat and with joint pain at 30 like most Americans. Exercise needs to be sustainable, not just for looking good but more importantly for disease prevention. You don't know how important health is until it's gone and the little pains start adding up
>Loneliness and lack of social interaction is really bad for your health. Doesn't matter if you lift, it can cause serious mental problems in the long term. Doesn't have to be a gf, but you really need social contact for your own mental sanity
>Lifting both is and isn't a lifestyle: it's not something you'll think about on your deathbed, but lifting and exercise can be the foundation for a lot of other positive things in your life to be built on, especially in terms of discipline and consistency that it fosters.

Bumping this potentially good thread

some good advice. should be stickied.

I've only lifted 1 year but it's clear to me by now that effort and consistency are by far the most important things. If you don't have those on point, you don't have the right to ask questions about optimal exercises or supplements or whatever.

>I've only lifted 1 year
>You ideally should have lifted at least 5+ years to contribute to this thread

How many girls lift every week for health, even just once? I feel exercise is so important, I have to imagine my future partner will care that I exercise even if they don't care about my size.

I wish I had known about negatives(or whatever they’re called) at the end of a set when I started. Especially on bench press it’s helped me push past plateaus. Hard to do without a spotter or gym buddy though.

>bench with various implements for two years
>underwhelming chest growth, still have sideboob
>get minor injury, switch to dips
>chest blows up
you can't explain that

>LIFT FOR YOURSELF, NOT FOR WOMEN. You will be happier in the long run
>lifting slows aging and increases your quality of life at the same time
>Having sex with someone who you actually love is better than meaningless hookups
>Don't be a brainlet. READ
>In a new city and don't know how to make friends? Join a coed sport's league
>INVEST. Don't just let your money sit and collect dust in your checkings account. It loses value constantly due to inflation
>Don't shit where you eat
>Use a condom dumbass
>If you're not open about what you like, you'll never get what you need
>stop drinking soda and drink water instead
>stay the fuck away from horse girls
>bro splits are retarded if you're natty. Stick to U/L, PPL, or Full body
>wanna look like a faggot? Wear lifting gloves
>minimize alcohol consumption, especially beer
>wear lotion and sunscreen so you can eventually be that boomer that still looks like a zoomer
>leave you comfort zone and put yourself out there
>you can't control your height. Stop acting like an incel and learn to live with it
>if you're cutting, keep yourself busy or you'll hate life unless you have strong willpower
>you're probably not as ugly as you think you are
>when an actual boomer says they can't hear you, speak deeper not louder
>Put a sticker with a fake pin number on your debit card. Make the numbers hard to read. If you lose it and someone tries to use it (3 times), the terminal will lock your account and eat the card.
>When showing people pictures on your phone, zoom in a little bit so they can't easily swipe to other pictures.
>If you are alone for thanksgiving or another holiday, consider spending the day volunteering.
>If you make a sex tape on your phone, cover the lens for the first five SECONDS. That way, if you show friends or family anything from your gallery, it will just show as black.
>Looking for apartments in a new city? Make sure to reverse image search any images to avoid scams.

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I would say 90% of American girls don't exercise or only do cardio, usually a sport (if in high school or college) or just the treadmill. Once you hit 30 I would say maybe 3-4% of women exercise regularly, men outnumber women at my gym by 15 or 20 to 1

Fasting is the only way to lose serious weight fast. You can hit your goal weight in months, then get to bulking.

Won't you lose muscle fasting?

some people are just weak
no amount of lifting will make them not weak

Yes, and that's why it's a meme peddled by obese Jewish trannies that call everyone else fat

I don't when I keep lifting. I do when I stop for a month. But then again, I was >100lbs overweight, and my lifts are already weak as shit, so I don't care care about losing muscle.


>Remember that life is a marathon not a sprint. So as long as you're progressing, keep going.

Lifting and education are supplementary

Lifting will allow you to take your mind off of school and help you gain confidence which will carry over to the classroom. Overall a net positive for mental health

Going to school/self-learning while lifting will prevent you from becoming a brainlet and help you improve all aspects of your life

Engaging in academia has helped me appreciate the scientific aspect of lifting. I fucking love pubmed

I agree with every single one of these, please re-write the sticky for us OP

