Bulimia Day 13

Hi. I'm on day 13 of cheating on my diet after 1.5 years. In the last 13 days ive eaten at least 20,000 calories a day and i make myself vomit after every meal until there is only stomach acid.
>pic related. I'm starting to develop a black eye from the blood pressure in my eye during vomiting

I'm making this post because today is my last cheat day. Day 13 the holiest of days. The illuminated shall guide us.

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I feel the same way. I did two weeks of OMAD but ended up eating too much on Friday through Sunday. But at least I ate light today, I think I’ll recover from my past fuckups.

now try and convince yourself you dont have an eating disorder

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Just added up what i ate yesterday

6 litres of pepsi(minimum)- 2700 cal
5 rolls of deep fried sushi- 3500 cal
20 fire wings- 2220 cal
Lrg garlic fries- 565 cal
8 sides of ranch- 2000 cal
20 bww wings- 2120 cal
Lrg potato wedges- 750 cal
8 sides of ranch- 2560 cal
Tub of butterfinger ice cream- 1800 cal
4 m&m ice cream sandwiches- 960 cal
32 oz PB broccoli and cheddar soup- 840 cal
1 can of cheddar pringles- 525 cal
Random snacks ~ 500 cal


I think omad is a cover for a bad diet
I'm not gonna put myself in a box nigga

>I think omad is a cover for a bad diet
I’ve been eating 1000-1300 calories. But you aren’t completely wrong. For a couple of days I ate nothing but ramen noodles with eggs.

Are you very fat?

holy shit lol. you literally ate enough calories to power a fucking Flatscreen tv,.

Yes. I went from 240 down to 190 but I gained all the weight back last year. I’m now down to 240 from 253. I just have to stay consistent.

Fuck that sucks man. Same thing happened to me. But stick with it and become part of the 2% that keep the weight off. I'm down to 190 right now from 292 trying to keep it off.

Forgot to add that i went to taco bell. Got a crunchwrap, chalupa, 2 beefy 5 layer burritos, and a pepsi

It's only a matter of time before you burn a hole in your esophogeous, leaking stomach acid into your chest cavity and rupturing a significant artery in the area, killing you in minutes

Not to mention the permanent damage you're doing to your teeth

Whatever it takes, right babe.

Hey op, I’ve been on a similar path before (fatass, to crash diet/ unhealthy eating habits, back to fatass) more times than I’d like to count. I really believe now that a slow healthy diet is key to keeping that weight off for a long time. What you learn building healthy habits goes a long way.

Started CICO (whole foods only) + cardio + weights 2 years ago, and now I’ve got visible abs for the whole of last year. You’re gonna make it dude but not the way you’re going about it now

youre gonna be blind if you continue

My man if you keep going the way you are you are never going to keep the weight off, even if you lose it to begin with.
Take it from a former misguided person myself. I did pretty much every disordered eating trick in the book and suffered the consequences with none of the permanent weight loss. I take no diagnosis because fuck doctors and psychologists they don't know shit these days, but the correct consensus behind the holier than thou attitude of them is that no behavior like that will lead to stable outcomes.

>I'm making this post because today is my last cheat day. Day 13 the holiest of days.
Reminds me of the thousands of "last day binging/purging" excuses I had. There is never one last cheat day. There is never one moment where you quit a behavior forever. The only progress that stays is a slow encroaching change that can take months or even years.

I was fat (medically overweight not dysmorphia) because I wanted instant change at the snap of my fingers. Fat people are fat because they are impatient and want instant results or they get disillusioned and give up. You are still doing that by binging and purging. All the gratification of food without any of the work towards will power.

It is just like those fatties who get surgery to make their stomachs smaller but then end up rupturing their stomach because they didn't fix their original sin - overeating, rather the reliance on instant gratification. By purging it up, you are not actually fixing the reason you are fat - which is your habits. You're only encouraging the cycle and you will remain fat and get even fatter if one day you can no longer purge. Which will happen btw unless you are keen on dying.
What will you even do if you become normal weight? Keep purging? Think long term. Cheating will always, always get you in the end.

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>I went from 240 down to 190 but I gained all the weight back last year. I’m now down to 240 from 253.
Sounds just the same as what I used to say to myself, that this, this would be the time I'd keep the weight off despite still using unhealthy behaviors.

>I just have to stay consistent.
It is near impossible to stay consistent if your behavior is unsustainable. Diet goes far beyond weight. It is your future behavior. Do you want to binge 20,000 calories everyday and spend hundreds of dollars to chuck it back up for the rest of your life?
Because even when I was a normal weight or underweight, I still had the same behaviors. You don't stop purging when you reach a target weight. You don't stop binging just because you aren't fat.

>Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity
This thought keeps me from going back to those things. Do not wait to cycle weight for years, losing 40 lb then gaining it back, then losing and gaining again. Trust me, there is a reason most people do not keep the weight off. They are expecting instant results and to maintain unhealthy habits.

Maybe none of this will get through to you and my effort posting is worth nothing and I'm a faggot for even trying. But trust me, if you are new to this, stop now. I wasted 8 years, lost friends, missed opportunities, and harmed myself for the sake of weight loss that was reversed when my cheating caught up to me.
Good luck user. Please don't make the same mistakes I did.

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I did this for a while starting almost a decade ago. Not to the tune of 20,000 calories, but I'd do it after snacks and such. Lost a lot of weight, eventually gained it all back and have never got down to a good weight since. For the past several years I have mostly stopped but the damage is done, you need to stop this ASAP.
- vision got worse around 2016, enough to need glasses for driving and using the computer. Not necessarily because of this.
- I'm constantly finding tiny pieces of enamel coming off my teeth.
- (most annoying) my esophagus no longer sucks food down, meaning I frequently regurgitate and have to wash water down with food, and food down with water, until the weight gets things into my stomach. It makes any type of precise diet very hard, because something I eat on tuesday might not even make it to my stomach on wednesday. This also makes binge eating more likely, as I don't "fill up" since the food doesn't hit my stomach as fast as it should.
Stop now. After a while, I wasn't even successfully losing weight with it, I was just keeping myself from being 350+ lbs with all the binge eating. Waste of money, time and health.

BTW I get vision checks yearly, and so far they've shown no sign of high eye pressure or blood vessel damage. But if I went all-out like you're doing OP, vomiting 20,000 calories' worth of food, I definitely wouldn't be so lucky.

>forcing yourself to puke up your stomach acid because you cant stop shoveling proccesed goyslop into your mouth

Fuck i hate fatties so much, even a fucking honey badger has more self control and self-preservation than the average fatty. How fucking hard is it to just hit the gym and eat normal human food instead of goyfeed trash

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Guys, let nature follow its path

Let this fag suicide asap

I'm not fat
Stopping right now. Going back to my whole food healthy diet that I've been on for 1.5 years. Not sure what triggered my desire to binge. I think it was an emotional coping mechanism to new things happening in my life, but i need to think on it.