

Valuable food or pointless excess calories?

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Chuck full of protein and fat. Why the hell would it be excess calories? I basically live off of this stuff. I wanna punch the next dumbass I see claiming cheese is fattening while gorging on candy and soda.

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How is eating cheese keto you lunatic? I literally just ate some with 4 slices of bread.

>4 slices of bread

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I have a small slice of muenster, havarti, gruyerre, or butterkase with dinner
Eating cheese is proven to make you based

Cheese improves bone and muscle health. Excess calories is meaningless just eat how much you need

if it's pasteurized it's just dead protein tofu


Pic rel is for the real patricians

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When I cut goyslop and started eating healthy I noticed I naturally started craving dairy less and less each year. One day I realized I haven't eaten cheese or any dairy in weeks without even consciously avoiding it. Now when I eat it, I get a lot of mucus buildup in my throat/nose.

I'll take that as my body telling me dairy is useless crap, and I trust my body more than Any Forums desu.

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Based. A healthy body always knows what's shit and what isn't.

He's british you fucking tard

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user you're probably just not white, indian, or mongolian. (You) shouldn't drink milk. You can't handle it

I'm not gonna go all 56% on you but I am white (German-Anglo mutt ginger), and I've eaten dairy my whole life and liked it. It wasn't until I changed my diet and lost a ton of weight that I stopped subconsciously craving it. I'm not even lactose intolerant either.

For me valuable like gold. For a lot of other it's no good. Depends on your genetics.

ay, there's the rub. You haven't got a sovl.

Anglos in general are soulless ghouls. They still love cheese and dairy though.

Fresh cheese is good. Mozarella is god tier.

Cheese is delicious but a quick ticket to heartattackville if you overdo it.

It's great in moderation, but thanks to decades of government lobbying most developed nations think it's okay to eat dairy constantly and it's parta why they're so fat.

Treat it like someone who cares about their health treats beer imo. It's an occasional indulgence, any more than that is idiotic.

Yes ancel keys, suuuure. It the "cheese". Probably cholesterol too. Maybe from eggs I bet. Lol.

eating cheese is my holy duty to my ancestors. we literally make the best cheese in the world. fuck of frenchies.