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from all elite swimming or just the female exclusive ones?
you can't be surprised when you set up an exclusive group and people get excluded

Explain to me how someone being trans affect you

someone being trans does not affect. Wokes destroying female sports, half of world’s population, does

It doesn't but they needed to do this or face the prospect of women just not participating in swimming anymore cause "what's the point?"

They're apparently making their own category, which is what all sports should be doing 2bh.

Why do you care, I thought you guys hated women

You know this is bad right? We need to stop coddling women and let them understand there are consequences for voting based on feelings.

if bilogical post-puberty men can compete with women, women might as well not compete at all because the man is always going to win. It ruins the entire idea of sport.

it's common sense.

Nah bro sports women are good hard woking ppl aight? And s troon messing with their hard work suxxxxx nigga!!!

Name a single female athlete. Pro-tip: you can't. Because you don't actually give a shit about female sports you just hate trannys.

Well yeah. That’s the point right? Women need to know their place and that’s always the bottom.

I could go to prison for addressing one incorrectly
I know that's actually a dispute with law, but transsexuals don't seem to mind one bit.

Acceleration is actually based. I say more trannies in female sports.

>the meritocratic team
hey this isn't fair, women aren't good enough to win
>the women-only team
hey this isn't fair, women aren't good enough to win
>the people who went through puberty as a woman team
hope it works this time!

How about ruining sports

No you can't fag

Sports are gay anyway who cares

Yeah but they hate trannies more than women

It doesn't affect *me*, but it does affect every child around them by virtue of the fact that every tranny is a creepy predator.

Tatiana Kashirina. But that doesn't make your second statement wrong. I do, indeed, despise trannies.

Explain how someone online being a nazi affects you. It doesn't, you just don't like it because you think it's daft. Simple as

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