This is a thread for all questions that do not deserve their own thread.

Now, why the fuck do my wrists hurt from squatting heavy?

Attached: 78A56C3B-6EE2-4B00-BD1D-6318032C7C5C.jpg (590x300, 149.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/fit/search/filename/Happy (28)/

When I do ring pull ups I feel it more in my brachialis than my biceps

What is my ideal weight?
I'm 5'7, and currently I'm about 165lb. Don't know if I should cut or just keep at it.


You're probably supporting the bar, at least partially, on your hands.

If your upper back is hunching in the pull, you're recruiting more biceps than back.

No such thing as ideal weight unless we're talking about competing at a sport with weight classes. Height alone is not enough to predict maximun muscularity accurately, uf that's what you're asking.


desuarchive.org/fit/search/filename/Happy (28)/


Attached: 1594077959992.jpg (400x400, 32.26K)

How do I get over her?/:

Tinder / Grindr.
You'll have an easier time on Grindr, of course.

why do i get horny when i lift?

are mass gainers worth it? They seem like so much money considering the small serving count

no. make your own with real food.

Can you gain muscle if you are under / at maintenance but say eating 140 - 200 grams of protein a day but only in 2500 calories?

What is the greatest feeling in the gym and why is it the pump?

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grip too wide

things that are irrelevant in this post:
- number of calories
- number of grams of protein
>real question: "can you gain muscle if you are under / at maintenance?"
answer: yes if you are pretty overweight/beginner. if youre lean or advanced then likely not. make sure you get your protein, which is about ~1g per pound of bodyweight. Mostly just need to train hard and consistently.

Having a cute red haired thot approach out of nowhere

Is there a way to ensure my back is straight during deadlifts
Squeezing my core and ass already.

Squeeze someone randoms ass

>simply evolve and do single hand deadlifts
You are absolutely right

>deload on beginner program
>do less reps than the last time I was at that weight (still did more than the minimum amount)
Strength regression or am I just worrying too much
Or is my form just better and hitting me harder, since I improved my form very recently

How much time are we talking here
It takes literal months for muscle to atrophy so unless you did this over a period of at least 3 months you're probably fine and just need to work out more

Why is whey so expensive? Is there anywhere you can buy at a reasonable price, even if its like 50lbs sacks without *brand* slapped on it to inflate the price.