This is the new face, and body, of fitness

This is the new face, and body, of fitness.

Attached: 1655760234704.png (538x438, 213.06K)

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i guess im already fit then, nice

>This is the new face, and body, of fitness.
No this is the face and body of the contemporary consumer. Fit people have other shit marketed to them

Anyone more impressed by fat athletic people?

am*rica was a mistake

this is mutts

Fucking fit bit has some fucking whale surfing too. Equal representation is important, sure, but for the same reason cereal commercials don't have an anorexic kid not eating as a commercial some pig shouldn't be on fit bit.

Consumerism creates a demand by showing you people that are better looking or more stylish than you, so that you buy products that make you more like that person.

This commercial just makes me think, it's a product for fat lollygaggers who want to justify another cupcake by having a walk around, I will never buy this product now. I honestly think the only way this is going to stop for this bull shit pandering marketing, is for the majority that is not being represented to stop buying these products. Simple supply and demand.

Attached: fitbit-feel-your-power-leah-v-1_yWf1YU0_qBfo3zm.jpg (600x375, 28.35K)

Nah man, these companies have realized that uneducated fat people are their best consumers
Someone who learns about CICO, healthy eating habits, and how to build their own workout routine doesn’t need the latest workout accessories or vitamin shakes
Meanwhile someone who only wants to pay lip service to the idea of getting fit is much easier to convince that the newest apple watch or whatever is what’ll get them to lose weight

Actually impressive, this guy has an absolute fuck ton of strength if he can pull that off while that heavy.

It makes sense for fat men to still be athletic since fat itself isn't the problem with un-athletic people.
Look at that guy, you can tell he has a lot of muscle, probably more than the skinny guy.
That's why you'll only be two of these three things
Basically being strong means you'll never look like you lift if you're natty.

also I want to make it clear the skinny guys were way better at dancing

Apple and Gatorade's marketing departments don't decide what a healthy body looks like.

Attached: get-the-thumb.jpg (654x642, 112.72K)

This. If you want to track your workouts and diet you don't need more than a spreadsheet, or some basic free apps. The goal is to convince fatties they need an Apple Watch and a subscription to lose weight, instead of spending the money on home gym equipment or a subscription at an actual gym

Bathmate penis enlargement pumps

I hate the sick society I live in. Almost makes me envious of Russians/Chinks for living in a different type of dystopia

this is who needs to get in shape

Uneducated fat people don't respond to videos of themselves lolligagging around on the carpet. They respond to models in ads. This is a bunch of millennial women in the corporate marketing department developing an ad with a fat black bitch doing yoga because worshipping fat blacks is their fucking religion. If they were told to put on a veil and genuflect outside of popeye's chicken, they'd be doing that too. It has nothing to do with money.

> ...and that's a good thing!

Only fat people would call meme exercises like those a "workout" so they are just catering to their public.

>Picturing people who are out of shape and want to get in shape exercising
>Literally promoting self-improving
>This is somehow bad

>Equal representation is important, sure
No it isn't.

>some fat nigger is the face of commercialized bullshit
Meanwhile 90% of lifters don't even look at those adds.

Second post best post