Me, 29 year old weeb virgin

>Me, 29 year old weeb virgin
>Went on a diet in February
>Lost 15 lbs
>Need to lose another 20-25 lbs
>Been plateaued for a long time
>Been losing motivation/drive
>Been sliding off on and off the rails for the last 6-8 weeks
>Decide to join a gym
>It was really clean/upscale
>Not noisy or crowded
>No annoying bodybuilder normalfags
>They have a heated pool with four swim lanes
>Thinking of going swimming/doing laps everyday
>Didn't really know what I was doing
>Just lifted some free weights, few weight machines, and did some cardio
>Just came back from first session
>About an hour
>Worked up a nice sweat
>Feel powerful/good

I should have done this months ago. Maybe I'll make some friends and get a girlfriend! I KEEP MY IDEALS ALIVE WO OH HO AH OH HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Attached: Deku and All Might.png (1676x944, 2.04M)

Didn't read but sounds good or bad idk

It's fine, user. I know you can't read because you're a zoomer who needs to be on ritalin.

I didnt read your blog because the pic from the shitty anime gave me the ick.

Okay, normalfag.

Well I'm sorry about my blogpost with all might. Here have my photo to help absolve you of the ick.

Attached: 1654226006801.jpg (1080x1350, 303.17K)

BNHA is normie af.

Stop pretending to be me, faggot. I'm the real OP.

I guess, but I don't meet a lot of normalfags who like anime so.

Attached: Cool Deku.png (1010x950, 889.08K)

My fucking tween niece and her friends like it.

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Months ago? You shouldve done this more than a decade ago you stupid nigga. But im not trying to demotivate you, at least you started now.

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ironically motivated now

MHA is the most normalfagilicious redditoid anime in existence.
Even western comics have more bite than it.

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You want to read up on nutrition, specially if you want to keep losing fat while building or at least maintaining muscle. Mostly making sure you eat enough protein.

Why is sitting in a giant pool of baked beans?

I thought you couldn't lose fat and build muscle at the same time? Don't you have to lose fat first and THEN start building muscle? Can you turn fat into muscle or something?

Kys Bokutard

Attached: rod.png (1442x1080, 1.46M)


Attached: Ultimate Gohan.jpg (1280x720, 66.44K)

The only Chadnime out there is dbz, hajime no ippo, one punch man and berserk 1997.

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This nigga eatin beans

Did you really forget to include Naruto

29 eh - a great time to take better care of your body. Put it this way, it will be way way easier to tell which of your friends works out when everyone's pushing 40 than 30. Be on the right side of that divide.