Get lean

>get lean
>family starts treating me better and starts calling/texting me more often
>girls open doors FOR me
>meaner girls are nice to me and only me
>my friends treat me with more respect

Why is society so shallow

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Society is based and redpilled

I’ve noticed this as well how old are you

>get lean
>get way more stares from w*men in public
>family keeps telling me to gain weight and that I look sick

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you earned it bud just enjoy it
t a fatass

>become a better and more respectable person
>your life becomes better and people treat you with more respect
>why is society like this???

>be lazy fat piece of shit
>get treated as lazy fat piece of shit
wow we live in a society

People are shit. Now go out and spread your misery so that others have to suffer like us former fatties had to!

It's not the people, it's you. The way you get treated by other people directly correlates with how you viee yourself. You gained some confidence through exersize and your own self worth upgraded. Dopamine boost. Don't make the mistake of thinking its society tho. There's a reason dumb, loud but charismatic people often succed. They believe in themselves.

I had a religious experience that wiped away most of my social anxiety in a single night
details about that are not so important. what is more important is the observation that human interaction is extremely reciprocal. you talk to someone with a cadence that's a bit too fast, or a tone that's unnaturally enthusiastic, your discomfort is noticed subconsciously. but if everything is perfect, you give off an aura of confidence and your comfort in the conversation is reflected back to you.
tldr - maybe you're just not so autistic anymore

>boss unironically tries to please me instead of the other way around

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Is she a woman?

For me it's reverse
>cashier tried to scam me twice
>no more 'sir' when people talk to me
>dudes try to find any excuse to start a fight with me
>some guys don't move when I walk on my side of sidewalk
I don't care about these cunts guess I will just learn some boxing technique next

Yes, a fat one who often compliments my looks.

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Tell me more of this religious experience, user. How would one theoretically experience it?

People are 90 % looks. Post the nhentai meme now

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Do you want to experience a psychotic break? Can't happen if you aren't already fucked up, but many anons are, so there's a chance. Sometimes they're short lived. That user may revert in a few months

Are shrooms involved? I could use a change of perspective.

>How would one theoretically experience it?
first of all, I take very seriously the nietzschian/jungian idea that the whole self can only be realized by directly encountering the ugliness that's within you. you have to stare into the abyss, so to speak.
secondly, religious knowledge is receptive knowledge. you must be ready to receive the truth. it is very likely that you hope the truth condenses nicely into whatever worldview that you currently hold. you will have to have the intellectual humility to discard whatever ideas you have about the world if you are to receive religious experience.
its too early for me to suggest more. tldr - be open/receptive to the truth.
its been about six months. you dont revert, you just more fully integrate your new knowledge with your previous understanding

normally your outside reflects your inside

Interesting. Id like to hear more. Did you take anything to assist with this realization? Of was it contemplation alone?

Because you literally became a better person.

You need to be lean with wide shoulders and a thick neck