Why does Pixiv actually allow disgusting stuff like this on the site? Are the moderators sleeping or what?

Why does Pixiv actually allow disgusting stuff like this on the site? Are the moderators sleeping or what?

Attached: 1630910524712.jpg (1550x960, 604.74K)

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The West is worse youtu.be/58F0YfEKuGI

Wake up bro. Omorashi is kino.

What's wrong with what you just posted?

Attached: FDyhcPXUcAAbzer.jpg (590x960, 31.57K)

how is that disgusting? little kids have accidents sometimes. if you tell your daughter it's disgusting, she's going to develop a complex and turn into a serial killer or something

>"pissing yourself is gross"
>murders hundreds

pixiv is filled with actual porn, I think you misunderstand the purpose of the website PS, do you have more? I'm a big Kagamine Rin fan

well not hundreds obviously, she's going to top out at half a dozen if she's lucky

Bro they're literally fetishizing children pissing themselves, do you actually think they're drawing this to be goofy or some shit? Nah.

Also, what? Literally every parent ever has told their kid that pissing themselves is nasty, there aren't psychopaths just walking around left and right.

Idk piss fetish + child fetish is pretty bad I'd say.

i know that people do that but i don't want to acknowledge it so i pretend to be stupid
but also i question why they wouldn't have drawn it "sexier" if that was the intent

>no, you can't be attracted to attractive things
grow up will you?

>there aren't psychopaths just walking around left and right.
A lot of faith in humanity I see, even after seeing people fetishize children pissing themselves...

Drawing curves and tits would make it look less like a child, thus less appealing

lol pedo

nothing wrong with being a pedo

Yes there is. Being attracted to children is the thing that's wrong with being a pedo.

You're a real one, user.

>disgusting stuff like this on the site?
What you posted is pretty tame desu

Attached: tumblr_5595c461bac4d807f553572860e388f3_1904333b_540.jpg (120x117, 2.83K)

How is being attracted to children wrong if I'm attracted to children? Surely that means it's correct.

These people aren't American they are people who belong in a mental psywart