Will cutting gluten and glucose really get rid of my brain fog?

Will cutting gluten and glucose really get rid of my brain fog?

No. Sugers are main food for your brain.
You must be stupid to cut sugers from your diet.

No. It'll likely make it worse. Check your test levels. Low T is a common cause of brain fog.

I can't think to good but reddit told me that sugar is evil haha

No it wont.
Also, You probably just have a really fucked attention span. Do you look at your phone/PC 5 times a minute? Cut on those instead of cutting shit from your diet.

No try not being a coomer, lifting and running regularly, drinking more water, and eating a complete balanced diet

I found that lowering my sugar intake helped. Gluten didn't make a difference.

Test it

There is absolutely no denying that MANY people have gluten sensitivities. You don't need to be celiac to experience negs from gluten. Gluten consumption CAUSES celiac to be expressed, the more gluten consumed (particularly in childhood) the more likely one is to become celiac. The amount of havoc gluten creates in non-celiac woman's reproduction is immense, there's plenty of research on this. If it can fuckup reproduction what else may it be doing? Gluten serves literally no benefit besides taste. Gluten didn't really ever exist in our diet until agriculture. So out of the past 300,000 years of being anatomically modern we've had gluten consumption for maybe 6000 years? That's less than 1/50th of our evolved diet and Any Forums tards think it's completely safe. Notice this isn't a naturalistic fallacy, this is an argument of what is likely to be true - even if we had zero scientific evidence. But we have plenty of evidence now. But 'muhh bread and bagels' grains have always been the food of choice for peons. Does gluten give you brain fog? Maybe, maybe not. The only benefit gluten brings is for your taste buds, at best it's neutral and does nothing, at worst (most likely) it's alarming your immune system and releases igG. Quickie on how this works. Gluten is a protein, most people don't digest it properly so protease enzymes only break gluten down to a peptide, not amino acids, the peptide is recognized as a pathogen and tells the immune system you're under threat. igG and igA can accumulate and hang around for many months

As for glucose, it's mostly fine. Just don't eat it in isolation. Have it at the end of a high protein meal. It will spike mTOR needlessly, you only want to be spiking this when eating protein. mTOR pathways blunt over time and require a fast to reset them, you can reducing signal blunting by not eating sugar in isolation. I'm keto throughout most of the year and a large portion of my carb intake is glucose (mostly fruit)

Also, I forgot to mention. If you're seriously concerned by brain fog, besides cutting out gluten definitely cut out porn. Only allow yourself to experience arousal and ejaculation through real women. I can tell you don't do this because of the pic you posted.

is this a vid of some sheboon riding an HWD [HUGE WHITE DICK]?

>brain fog
Such a stupid meme term.


Attached: 1534193116589.jpg (450x370, 28.89K)

Try it for 1-2 weeks. IMO cut out all carbs, see what happens.

shes definitely asian

It might. Gluten and rice fuck me up for days, but sugar doesn’t negatively affect me. It is worth putting in the effort to figure out how different foods affect you, because your quality of life is potentially much lower than it could be if you cut stuff out.

All things in moderation, brother. And don't quote those fucking spergs here.

>Hurr durr I'm Dunning-Kruger and I've only heard of sucrose and fructose before

K to be fair I did say mostly glucose, wherein actuality I meant to type sugar.


You'll never take me alive faggot