It's over

Cbum confirmed in his latest video he's not natty

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It's not the broccoli and chicken? Wuuuutttt

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he also confirmed he uses protein powder

>realising I can't look like cbum by just eating enough protein

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This is a ruse. He's covering for his degenerate roidtranny sister who was busted trying to import roids a while back. Cbum is all natty.

He has an even darker skeleton in his closet... he's canadian.


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Bro please...
What is next? Dom mazzeri isn't roiding?

Can someone explain to me why the idea of bodybuilders looking like they were dipped in a vat of basedsauce ever took hold? Can't they just work out in the sun and get a natural tan?

Everyone likes black people. Bodybuilders want to be black. That simple.

where can I purchase such a sauce

When is Mattdoesfitness coming out too?

The stage lights are very bright. And being tan brings out muscle definition.

From deez nuts!

Which is exactly why golden era bodybuilders like Arnold worked out in the sun... He's asking why it's all spray tan now.

Classic physique should require a natural tan imo

I love how people are shocked when the upper echelon (clearly well above normies) admit to roiding

I got to like 2014 Bradley Martyn level while natty and that was the most work I've ever heard of anyone putting into anything ever. It's just all so tiresome once you see the level of work natties have to put in+ where their glass ceiling is

I'll give you about tree fiddy for doze nuts

It's not the first time he's talked about it.