Ice baths help with muscle recovery?

Or are they a may-may

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Btw I'm trans, not sure if that matters :P

They slow down muscle recovery. They just make it feel less sore.

I've done them and I've done hot Epsom salt baths and the hot ones worked way better. I've also done alternating hot tub and cold plunge and that was actually the best but it totally drains all remaining energy for the day.

She's lucky the ice didn't break or she might have ended up being trapped under it.

they do, but muscle recovery and hypertrophy arent the same thing, hypertrophy is lowered by decreased inflammation

Was thinking the same thing. There's a clip of a Russian mother who did the same thing and she literally got lost under to her death in front of her family. Made me really paranoid about ice lakes ever since.

Depends on what you mean by "recovery."

If by recovery, you mean reduced pain from soreness, then maybe. Ice can cool down superficial nerves enough that they stop or slowdown their pain signals. There's a lot of individual variation in this though; some people just don't get this effect.

If by recovery you mean faster muscle growth/repair of fibres, then no. Truth is, depending on what part of the body you're icing, the coldness can't actually penetrate deep enough to affect the muscle. There's too much fat, skin and connective tissue in the way. Also, inflammation is a necessary part of muscle growth, it increases blood flow to nutrient-hungry muscles. So even if you could cool down those muscles, you're probably not helping them grow.

There will never be consensus on this though, this is one of those arguments that never dies despite the science. I'm a trainer for football team and my players have the option to ice themselves post-game. I've noticed no difference in injury rates. People who benefit from ice on my team are usually icing their joints, not their muscles and this is usually to improve pain from arthritis or flare-up of pre-existing condition.

Same thought. Amazing how stupid people can be.

It wasn't the same thing, Russians chainsaw a square bath in lakes and rivers for Baptism of Jesus holiday and tens of thousands of people go drown and get reborn again. That one was a whore and a sinner and Jesus decided to get rid off her.

Thin ice in Russia... It's so thick trucks, tanks and OP's fat mom ride on it.

how the fuck do you not even check the lake? how retarded are these people?

Are women not bothered by having cloth inside their buttcrack?
I'm always pulling out my underpants

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That shits legitimately easy to do, I tried to chuck a rock in a lake once was like WTF my rocks sliding lmfao.

I suspect they get sexual enjoyment from it.
Woman I've chatted up in bikinis have often had it really up there.

the thing thats annoying is it going in and out constantly when moving, having normal underwear or a thong (constantly out) is fine
source: my gf

You should be paranoid of ice lakes. I live in one of the coldest places on earth, it’s drilled into us at a young age, don’t play on ice. We have a few deaths every year from people falling under the ice and it’s usually teenagers who don’t think the rules apply to them.

Perfect female form. Jesus Christ how I would love to eat her ass until it gapes and dear God how I love skinny teenagers

God bless

Why do you fuckers have to constantly bring it up.

She has autism

Your (preferably) unwilling participation is fundamental to the excitement of the fetish.

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they harden so you can get into the garden