Has anyone tried the carnivore diet? What were your results?

Has anyone tried the carnivore diet? What were your results?

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I did it for 12 days
I was burning 2000 calories a day from exercise on the weekends (2000 sat 2000 sunday)
I had a day where my macro ratio dipped below 60% calories from fat and i couldn’t hardly move
Once i ate more fat i gained my vigor back
I am getting back on it again tomorrow or Tuesday
I basically stopped after 12 days, for one week, because of family etc
But things are settling down tomorrow and i will be eating carnivore again. I hope to get another 1-2 week streak, but ideally i won’t stop.
I never exceeded my calorie goals once over the 12 days.
I was getting 1800-2400 calories a day.
I was eating about 2 pounds of meat a day plus some heavy cream.
I highly recommend it, it cured my binge eating disorder and i was almost never hungry
Check out r/zerocarb for more info
I got a 16.5lb brisket in the freezer ill be smoking tomorrow or Tuesday

i thought that was hot sauce on ice. would be an interesting combination

Lost 40 lbs in like 2 months

Hit two months yesterday. Enjoying it a whole lot. I'm doing it for weight loss, so I'm not sure how well it'd work for bulking or maintaining. My lifts are stronger, I can do more pullups (went from only 3 lol to 9 now). I've gone from 271 to 245, and I feel really good all the time. At least, much better than when I've done CICO or keto. I think the best thing about it is that it really does a great job of naturally regulating hunger and food intake. It actually saves me money because I really only desire to eat once or twice a day, without feeling hunger. On carbs, there's generally a feeling of urgency or hunger panic where you feel really hungry all of a sudden and it dominates your mind. This is why I'd always fail doing CICO alone. On carnivore, the animal proteins and fats are really really satiating and when you start feeling hungry, it's more gentle (?) I guess you could say. It's just a reminder that you could probably eat soon.

If you're gonna do it, do it for at least a month. It takes anywhere from ten days to two weeks to fully normalize after switching your diet. Highly recommend it though. Easiest weight I've ever lost.

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Kills your gains and your hair line.

I did. It worked extremely well for me. Did 9 months. It did everything people say it does. The only bad part is the first 5 days I dropped a ton of water weight which I never even knew I was holding and I shit it all out. I also felt tired for a week so I just did a deload week as far as lifting. After all that I felt fantastic. Energy level through the roof. I did a keto and paleo diet thing a few years ago which were pretty good but nothing like when I did "carnivore". I must also note I just jumped right in and didn't ease in to it and I never dropped dairy.
Now as far as working out I never dropped any strength at all but as time went on I was dropping shit tons of fat and wasn't bulking up as fast as I wanted because getting calories was hard because I'd get full fast. So to remedy this I began eating tons of fat which does not make me feel full like lean meat. I bought loads of salo from a Ukrainian grocer and upped my milk and cheese intake. Then I started putting muscle on quicker and my work capacity went up (was doing a variation of doggcrapp at the time) but I never looked puffy like before or got what appeared to be occasional gyno like I would get before. Never knew I stored water in my fuckin he-tits. I went off because I ran out of all stored up deer and side of beef and spring pig I had frozen so I decided to try adding things back in to see if I could pin point what made me feel shitty for the past ten years. Now I've added lots back, am a water bag, and am back taking naps after work. I'm slowly eliminating things and easing back in to it to try and mitigate the 5 days of of exploding swamp shits.

Tldr; I was extremely happy with it. Ate salo, deer, blood stew, beef, pork, liver, and dairy. Also nicotine lozenges. Need to really amp up fats to a ridiculous degree to bulk up which is pretty cheap to do. Would recommend especially for people sick of being fat and tired.

Raw carnivore.
Well not really because I couldn’t eat just meat. But I felt a lot better. Teeth felt more waxy and smoother. Better mental health. Eye circles were disappearing.

fucking botpost holy shit

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It is.

Nice work. Went down from fat plug down to Alex Jones. I'm making a joke but that really is very good for 2 months. Stick with it.

You MOG me, but you look like shit and would be better off fasting

That's ketchup

Did it for 3 weeks, dropped a lot of water weight, had more energy and more focus, started cheating with small amount of sugar, which just cascaded and made me feel depressed. Getting back on it once semester ends.

>be on a pretty normal Western diet
>do carnivore for about 1.5 years, except for a few weeks of experimentation with other diets
>made sleep apnea much better
>less joint pain
>less anxiety
>less negative emotion
>less positive emotion
>low energy
>have a massive appetite (you can find anecdotes of people experiencing the same thing)
>gain about 15 pounds of fat
>lose a little bit of strength
>get long COVID for the last 3 months of carnivore
>long COVID goes away over a few weeks after I start eating plants
The last 2 points can be a coincidence, but I thought I should mention them. I'm currently on true low-fat and high carb. I eat lean meat, fruit, rice and honey, which sounds very different from carnivore, but it follows a similar logic to carnivore, in the way that it avoids food I can't tolerate and it avoids having both high fat and high carb at the same time

Oh, I know I still look like a sack of fat, but this is more sustainae than fasting. After I read the obesity Code, I've done several mulitday fasts, the longest being 13 days. Excellent way to lose fat, but is limiting socially, and I found that for me personlly, energy levels kinda sucked after about day three.

I tried the meme for three days. Never been more tired in my life as that 3rd day.

>inb4 electrolytes
Ramped up salt intake as adviced so much i first shitted liquid and then got constipated.

holy fuck the second pic is sexy, please don't lose too much more weight

I did it for almost two weeks. I had diarrhea about 10 times so I stopped and went back to keto.

no he's legit he posted body with that trip iirc