How do you avoid getting fat in your 30s?

How do you avoid getting fat in your 30s?

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The same way as any other age.

It's the same at any age. Don't fall for the "you'll get fat in your 30s" thing.

I'm trans btw if that matters

I'll let you in on a little secret. Works regardless of age:

Don't eat so much.

I think the key is to just lift and make it so you can keep lifting. It's easier to preserve a decent body than to recover it.

go to the gym every day, only work out at 30% intensity, lift weights at 120 reps per set.

This is why I stopped using my olympic barbell. Switched completely to light/no weight and high volume. I have a physique I like and one I can sustain.

Pay close attention to diet. You can stumble into a fat spiral in seconds

It's this, but not just this. Your metabolism slows way the fuck down from your mid-30's onward. Lots of guys don't eat less to accommodate this metabolic torpor and keep eating like they did when they were 20. You're not 20 anymore any can't eat so much anymore.


This. Are you retarded, OP?

Metabolism barely slow down, check the new studies.

No, it doesn't. Fucking fatass loser.

You only need 100 fewer calories/day at 40 than at 20 at least according to this calculator

Of course that assumes that activity level stay equal, which is probably the biggest cause.

No, you just stopped exercising and started working an office job and going home and drinking beer. Many such cases.

Dude it's like a difference of 200 to 300 calories you fat fuck. Eat two less oreos

the same way as any other age... just harder.

Your metabolism actually drops off a cliff when you leave your teens, and this is the only time it happens. The drop is much, much slower every year after that.

>don't eat goyslop for 95-99% of the year (you can eat fatty foods like Thanksgiving turkey (something natural), just not goyslop)
>only allow yourself to get drunk no more than 2x per month. not sloppy drunk and not off beer. liquor or wine.
>don't smoke nicotine
>do weight lifting exercises a minimum of 3x/week
>do cardio once or twice
>find your tdee. eat less to lose weight. eat more to grow muscle
>never exceed 25% bf

Stop eating