Passed 350lbs today

>Passed 350lbs today
its over I can't stop eating bros.

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Gastric bypass

Watch Wings of Redemption if you want some inspiration.
He's fat, ugly, stupid, and racist. You can at least be not fat

they will just gain the weight back if they cant stop eating.

Just binge watch Nicocadoavocado on youtube and you'll be fine

I wish I could do that this easily. I am strong and look good but I could be so much stronger and bigger if eating wouldnt be such a chore. grass is always greener on the other side, eh?

when i see a post like this i can only read it as "im a fucking failure now give me attention"


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You could have the worst of both worlds. Easy to put on (fat) weight but unable to build strength or muscle

whats wrong with that?

Being fat doesn't mean I'm a failure dickhead. I can guarantee I make more money than you

Got a victim complex as well

Have you visited your healthcare professional OP? They can give you appetite suppressant drugs and so forth.

You could also consider liposuction if you're into lookism. Some people just need a fresh start before they can take exercise seriously.

Also, I urge you to give intermittent fasting a go. Just dont eat until six hours after you wake up, limit liquid calories too. I wake at 5am, so I eat at 11am myself. That gives me 14 hours not eating, plus a few hours before I goto sleep, so I'll only eat within an 8 hour period.

If you cant stop then eat.

Eat until you need a mobility scooter

Good! So you can pay someone to wipe your own ass the day you are no able to reach it

>I can guarantee I make more money than you
yeah but u pay so much for food it kind of evens out

Sure. I'll hire you sister when that happens.

Imagine paying a doctor who's one of ((them)) hundreds of dollars for the gøypills when cigarettes also kill your appetite for like $6 or $7.

His fingers are too fat to type properly

You can lose it

I was at 370ish at my highest (as a 5'5 woman so I'm fucking ROUND)

I am now at 314 and still losing at a consistent rate.

Start strict portion control and tracking with a app, I use MFP it'll suck the first two weeks or so, you're hungry all the time but your body starts to adjust. The hardest part was the good addiction, but again, give it a month and it goes away.

That’s actually extremely rare — I’d be surprised if you would need some kind of disease for that to happen. If you’re anabolic enough to put on fat you’re anabolic enough to put on at least a normal amount of muscle.