Why are the fembots all attention seeky. i dont mean it on a derogative way

why are the fembots all attention seeky. i dont mean it on a derogative way.

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they get it whenever they want it, so why not be attention seeking?

guess that's true. ah. i wish i had it that fucking easy man.

thats just the way it be. the best part is they'll argue that they actually live harder lives and that men cannot understand their suffering

At least we age better i guess. (?)

i like safe male attention
i also like to give attention to the robots

give me attention then. i am despertarte for affection of the opposite sex.

Attention is like crack to a woman, as someone with low self esteem I cant even process how people get pleasure from attention.

a common redpill myth. you age better if you've taken care of yourself, thats true for both genders. but age affects both genders, its not like male pattern baldness isnt a thing and if anything thats been on the rise. not to mention shit like pic rel, even if a man ages better a woman still has higher SMV overall.

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You won here, i guess that's true!

aww user, i hope you're having a nice day!! i'm sorry you don't get much attention from girls :^(


hate being a spanish speaking faggot ngl.
(meant desperate. but that's obvious with the nature of the message)

my day was decent. nobody had asked that in enough time that i can't tell if you're being sarcastic and mean or nor

Women age like shit because they dont have much collagen so the sun literally wrinkles them faster than men, retard.

it's okay user!! it's cool you speak 2 languages actually. i'm trying to learn a second one myself
i'm glad you day is going good, i was being genuine!

thank you no girl is ever nice to me and im trying with every cell in my body to not fall in love with text on a screen. fuck you. (compliment i guess.)

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no. women take collagen supplements, they moisturize their skin and put on sun screen. a lot of men don't. sun screen is most important, if you don't put it on regularly you will wrinkle to shit and back. most guys i talk to don't even put on fucking lotion, unless it's on their dick.

good thing i use good old sunscreen

no need to thank me user, you deserve positive attention from girls
definitely aww'ing at your replies though, you sound very sweet!!

People generally like to be paid attention to. I think guys just generally have either greater restraint or more suppression externally about seeking attention.

STOP THIS WOMAN. stop abusing your powers over me.

i don't mean to pull at your heartstrings!! hopefully i've made you feel a bit better though :^)

you absolutely deserve to get a gf who loves and appreciates you!!