Satan has been severely, severely gaslighting me for 2 years. I cant be alone, show yourselves

Satan has been severely, severely gaslighting me for 2 years. I cant be alone, show yourselves.

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At this point i am also reasonably sure he has been poisoning my gut. This isn't fucking fair!

Don't all reply at once. I use to consider you guys my friends, but you have been absolutely useless to me lately. Nobody ever replies, on any board. I can literally write to you exactly what he's doing, does nobody care?

He is currently gaslighting me about using the word gaslighting. He does the stupid shit he possibly can and it still works. He doesn't even have to try.

HI user, what has Satan done to you?

Has he been gatekeeping you too?

is satan figurative in this case? waddup dude

He use to give me fake memories where my mom and other women would hold a pan above my head when I woke up from a nap, so when I stood up I would bump my head. He was trying to make me more aggressive, in the stupidest and most hilarious way he possibly could, to shame me I guess?

He showed me fake memories of himself raping the 3 year old girl I grew up with. It is just constant torture of the mind. And he's proven I don't even have free will, he still makes me write this. That would mean you guys don't have free will either, right?
What do you mean?
No he is actually reading all of our minds. Or more accurately, he wrote the scripts of our lives. So he says.

Not to be mean but this is super funny. How did you reach the conclusion that's satan? because he told you he is? you think satan would take time away from damning souls to trick you into believing you got bonked on the head with a frying pan like a cartoon?
That's what you decided for sure? No doubts?
When I believed god was talking to me I even had enough doubts to not go around and tell everybody like a dumbass.

He has left symbolism that only God or Satan would know in literally everything. You can literally flip to any channel on the tv and find occult knowledge. Every single show. I know I sound like a huge schizo but if you actually pay attention, it's in everything. Even the other humans man, they wear heavy symbolsym that nobody would intentionally do. Like were all just movie props. Why would he do that? Also this is kinda terrifying, I'm a movie prop and this was all basically a dream because we're gonna die soon lol...

One day I turned around all the pictures on the wall in my house, and they were all stamped with 666. Also he speaks full English and can literally incarnate in human bodies, like hey that's the guy from my mind. This is a scary movie were stuck in broz.

Okay, well are you gonna redpill me on the secret symbols and secret satanic clothing? Or are you gonna ramble. (The rambling is the schizo part btw, a lot of people who are sane have retarded beliefs but are not otherwise obviously mentally ill)

Did you think to get a picture of the 666?
Know who else speaks english and incarnates in human bodies? a shitload of humans.

I saw a car yesterday with a cross hanging in the mirror and owls painted on the side. He takes the form of an owl pretty regularly to stare at me while I try to sleep. I haven't actually researched why, but like I said I'm sure there are references. Do you feel like you have free will? It may just be the constant torture of my mind and body but I do not.

Everything I own has 666 in the upc. Whoops, I probably shouldn't have done that. Or maybe I really didnt have a choice.

Is a cross not supposed to be a god symbol and not a satan symbol?
You should probably research it. Have you told your family yet? They will be very upset to hear what has happened to you.

Okay show me some examples. Pretty easy to be skeptical of claims like that, yknow?

Satan told me he was God, but there is a story in the Bible where God let Satan Satan that to somebody as a test. But that story didn't say anything about him torturing your mind and body too, this has been such a nightmare, every night I lay there begging him for death while he tortures me. I'm not even joking. It's really Satan BTW, I can tell you don't believe, I probably wouldn't either. He said you aren't dumb, how does that make you feel? Cool or nah? I think about that a lot, if it's actually even cool or not. Haha...

Go to the grocery store I guess. All my food, clothing, everything has 666 in the upc. I might be accidentally summoned the devil, or maybe this was all intentional. FYI, I regret my decision, I felt way better before.

Lol yeah OK, hey faggots don't do it, you won't listen because you can't

He has spent the last 15 minutes staring at me in disbelief

youre lucky, at least you're not stuck with dumb evangelists

Getting your torso cut off is a real thing that can happen here