Opinion on weighted vests

I do calisthenics at home and just found those weighted vests, those 20lbs ones for example sell for 240€, which is rather hefty, but I am sure there are cheaper ones. The description reads:
>The weight vest for training promotes strength and muscle building and thus also increases fat loss during body weight exercises and cardio training. Just like Rocky Balboa did his training with additional weight, it also makes your training or workout more effective.
My first question would be, are those potentially dangerous for your knees, but mainly I want to know if they really enhance your training in a meaningful way or if it just snake oil.

Attached: madelaine-wichtrup-weste-training.jpg (1000x1000, 54.4K)

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Which country uses euro and imperial units?

just a fat simulator. makes leg muscles marginally bigger, average calorie burning goes up but the cost of joints makes it gay

gotta share this


I would think running with one of these would increase your injury risk a good bit. Walking or hiking might be a safer bet

Don't run with that weight. Vests are good for training to get used to that weight.
We carry that weight around as firefighters and these vests are how we usually train for work.

I use a 40lb vest for pull-ups and dips. Recommend.

All of them, we only use metrics on the internet to troll Americans.


Just use ankle weights for pull-ups and dips and put them in a backpack for push-ups.

Attached: olive-wrist-ankle-weight-5-kg-2-units[1].jpg (1000x1000, 72.06K)

I like them got a raptor weight vest 20kg has 16slots so you can have full 20kg or down etc really like it for walking leg lunges 1 leg deadlifts and explosive jumps etc.

Good for pull-ups,dips and push-ups but if you just go for 20lbs there is no point in not just using a backpack. It won't effect the center of gravity so much that it messes up your form. If you go for longer runs with a vest you will notice why this is a bad idea in your neck and back first not in your knees from my experience

The only people I’ve ever seen wearing these at the gym are the blackest niggers that visit. I think they saw it in Dragonball and thought it would apply to real life.

what does being black have to do with the fact they are niggers? stop being prejudiced

The point of them is so you dont have to go to the gym , you can train anywhere with it like people have said you can do pullups pushups dips curls side lateral raises lunges deadlifts squats calf raises with the vest anywhere so its like a mini portable gym.

>9kg cheapo metal plates

What I do is put 2 straps through the hole in my plates, secure them by putting a wrench through the loops. I then wear them around my shoulders kind of like a backpack. It works really well using up to 2*10kg plates, but it starts to be impractical at using 2*10kg+1*5kg plates. If you already have plates it's really cheap you only have to be buy the straps.



My unironicly mobidly obese neighbor walks around town with these on in hopes to lose weight (he never does), so for that reason alone I will never use one, they're ruined for me.

It's funny because the one he uses is black and needs to be stuffed with beanbags so it literally looks like an ISIS suicide vest, kek.

>those 20lbs ones for example sell for 240€,


Just put some plates into a backpack.

You may as well buy an actual body armor plate carrier and plates for that price.

Attached: 5517_zoom_1586388089.jpg (900x900, 90.81K)
