Opening an outdoor gym in Africa

I'm seriously considering buying some land and creating an outdoor gym in West Africa. I don't expect to make much if any money but I feel like I need to export my passion for iron overseas. Thoughts?

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The iron will be stolen to be sold


niggers are dumb and I run a succesful store in abidjan, selling bling to dumb niggers. making a fortune, you should do this too, no teleshit, just apply for a permit and you too can make money off of bling niggers, I'm sitting in las vegas and dumb niggers are making me money

Damn good stuff user, I've always wanted to operate a successful business in Africa but I never seem to have the right idea

Perhaps I'll get the weights cast out of concrete then coated with rubber if possible

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would advice you to cote divoire, spekaing a bit of french is a plus, making money off dumb niggers is easy

all the jew shit in america is empty, make dickpills, d vitamin, and so on, niggers are dumb as shit and will buy anything

Likely scenario:
>Money gets stolen before it's used
>Equipment gets stolen
>Land gets stolen
>Land gets abused
However, if it works out as you want it to then you'll be doing better work and made more of a positive difference than 99% of charities have ever done.

start a business and sell shit to niggers in india, I know indians are horrible, I have a town in my name in india, they are just liger kniggers, just pay them

Export it elsewhere. Africa is a lost cause.

Thanks for the advice user

Well yeah it's a risky adventure but the rewards could be high if I start my own unique African gym brand. Cheap and cheerful

np bud, bleed them niggers dry

post proof

Become a warlord


no mais peut de proof

nigger, I make 100k off of niggers every day, you you wanting info is gay, never give info to jews

I'M expNDING and I willl challenge jews when I get power

I only hire white people, niggers ans jews are gay?

NEVER give info to jews

jews are kikes and you never give them anything, even if they pay you, you give them false info, white man wins, jew loses, always make the jew lose, that is then goal


>Africa is a lost cause
That's not what rich white people are saying
95% of money exchanges are done in cash and they don't plan to put infrstructures in place to counter that
also africa has that bribing mentality that make it really easy to pay for anything

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They will just steal all the equipment, user,

Which country though. West Africa is too broad of a term.

Interestingly enough, many African countries have better economic expectations than many European countries. Countries like Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria or Rwanda (and few others) will be a good investment I think.

t. been around