How do you guys make your life enjoyable?

how do you guys make your life enjoyable?
I work for 9 hours a day only to have like 6 hours of free time. Why has society become like this? there is no point in "living" if you actually work more than you live and I have become severely depressed with that

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thai hookers are the only thing that make being a wagie worthwhile

Just wait for UBI bro when everything automated.

I got a job driving a delivery truck and I get to go all over the place while listening to music and podcasts and audio books. I have to bust my ass everyday, but before I do I get to drive for like an hour. It's great. One full hour of countryside driving, no boss, no customers, just me the road and my music.

To think that some people hate this is crazy to me. One day I'll tour and play my own music instead of delivering crap, I just have to get to where I want to be.

alcohol. twitch streamers and redlettermedia make me feel like i have friends even though i don't

how do you get a job as a truck driver?

There's places that will train you like Dayton Freight. But I think you're better off if you get a job at fedex or Cintas or something so you can see if you like it first.

>Why has society become like this?
Jews being jews, and normalfags being pussies and conformists.

>how do you guys make your life enjoyable?
I don't. I gave up on trying to "improve" in a structured and organized manner. There's no net result to improvement anyway, so I'm fine with things being good enough. I say at 5:30am, before I lose my precious 1 hour of moonlight left over to another filthy fucking irritating slog through college horse shit.

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>Why has society become like this?
Passive acceptance coupled with the idiotic belief that powerful people have your best interest in mind. They don't. They hate you and would make you slaves if they could. They want everything, nothing is enough, if you don't fight them they will take it all.

Every chart comparing the efficiency and the output of the present day worker vs one from 100 years ago is 175%+ above what it used to be. Yet we don't work half the hours of our great-grandparents and our money doesn't go as far. Nobody stops to ask why.

They talked about the four day work week in the motherfucking 1970s, and that was before computers. The modern worker outputs so much more than ever before, yet they ask us for the same hours for less pay. And you're considered a lazy ingrate if you dare question it.

I have been working full-time more or less for the past four years and have managed to squirrel away about $100k in savings.

Starting this March, I'm going to take at least a year off from working and call it a sabbatical, I have no idea what I'm going to do once the money starts to dry up.

>I work
There's your problem

You don't have 6 hours of free time. You wake up and spend time before work, that is part of your unpaid free time. You commute and back and forth, that's unpaid free time. You spend time doing chores, that's your free time. You have maybe 2-3 hours of free time in a day.

Once you accept that's how life is, the easier it will become. In my current situation I need my job to stay occupied. The only way I could pursue a hobby/interest is if I became a multi-millionaire and never had to work again. I simply don't have the time for anything that isn't a movie or a couple matches of Halo. Whenever I get a day off (almost never) I spend the whole time in bed. If I set a long term goal I won't be able to finish it so I don't bother with anything serious.

I find my life enjoyable
1) I have somebody to share it with who brightens my day and alleviates the pain
1.1) I have somebody to care for which gives me purpose

2) I have a job that I don't hate doing, so it is not actively detracting from enjoyment

3) I have hobbies I do outside of work, it is important to feel like you do things just to enjoy them
3.1) One hobby is creative, it is human nature to create and so it gives us enjoyment. I believe creating is something that brings us closer to God as well
3.2) One hobby is active, lifting, keeps my body looking good and feeling healthy

4) I am working towards something. Life can feel meaningless if you have no goals. My goals are as follows
4.1) Scale my business to the point that I'll be making 6 figures, possibly take employees to take less work load
4.2) Buy a house for me and my girl (and another if possible to rent out)
4.3) Once my girl graduates med school, have enough money to travel the world with her

The tl;dr is that I enjoy life by having a partner, a job that I don't hate, hobbies, and goals to reach
Thing that I'm missing is friends. Never been able to make them. Got really lucky with my gf thankfully.

Hope this answers your question user

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I hope you succeed in your endeavors user

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>1) I have somebody to share it with who brightens my day and alleviates the pain
>1.1) I have somebody to care for which gives me purpose
I want to say mean things and curse your situation but I feel that is unbecoming of a good person so instead I'm just sharing the urges.

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You don't. We are slaves for the people who have happy lives (fake jobs like consultants).

That is a good mindset. Good people who do good things get rewarded. Call it karma, or God, or a natural order ... but if you put good things in to this world eventually the world do will right by you
Me too haha, ty

I dropped out of uni then stopped working in IT.
Now I live on welfare while I work my ass off to use cheap stuff optimally and to build a small business. I would live like a king on a euro 25k/year by now.

I work from 9 to 1 to remain on govt assistance, after that I try to chase hobbies I had a few years ago (Any Forums, making glitch art on photoshop, Youtube) and every day it brings me less joy. Trruly blessed.