What's being an adult like? Is it really that much better?

What's being an adult like? Is it really that much better?

t. senior in HS

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Lmao who told you it gets better? Life only gets fucking worse as the responsibilities pile up, slowly suffocating you, as you slowly crawl your way to salvation with any tiny glimpse of hope, be it drugs, a girlfriend, drinking, smoking whatever. But no salvation lasts forever and then you're thrown back into that pit of suffocating dispair

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I wouldn't know, I've only ever worked in warehouses and didn't finish trade school, but I'm not that much older than you so idk. It's a great big scary world out there

Second this
Not fucking better at all

you're twenties are financially shit but a lot of fun

your thirties are like a more even split of financial success and fun and existential misery.

t. 38

but really its sort of what you make of it just like anything else.

if you sit infront of the computer jacking it to traps and talking to losers on discord instead work school going out social hobbies then you arent going to have a good time

also it's really hard to make friends once you're out of school(high school/college) so try to really open your circle of friends up and get involved in things that you might not be interested in but like minded peers might enjoy like anime club, marching band, the wrestling team, etc.

With out friends adulthood can be a humourless and lonely thing. Bars and dating apps are really only good for transitory and shallow friendships.

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only if you get a degree in something with good security + pay yeah

It really depends. I would say High School was kind of like prison. In fact I would say it literally was prison because you couldn't leave and were in a literal institution.
However, as alluring as freedom might seem, you also have the freedom to fuck up and have a shitty time as much as you have the freedom to do what you'd like.
I'd say going to college definitely means you'll have a better time, but depending on how you manage it, and what you studied, you could be in for an even shittier time after all is said and done.

My advice is whatever you do, try your hardest to get away from retail/food service/manufacturing/warehouse work as soon as possible. Because it's soul crushing and opportunities only diminish with time. Also, I feel like I need to say this since you're on Any Forums, being charismatic/likeable/good looking is always a good thing and you really should take care of yourself and strive to connect with others. More often than not popular kids will go on to lead pretty good lives, maybe a bit mediocre, but better than a lot of the seething losers that think they're superior to them.

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Every year it sucks more and more, hear my advice and find a way to make bank while you're young.

Honestly it's worse, when you're a kid you atleast have some sort of support system to help you (parents, counselors, teachers etc) but when you're an adult if you're not prepared it feels like you're just left behind.

No. You have way too much responsibilities. The more you age, the worse it gets. Take things seriously now and don't waste your younger years away because "muh adulthood." If you are able to, get an easy mode job and be a manchild.

>t. 40 y/o

It depends on whether you are able to get your shit together or not.

No, it sucks

It's great to have the freedom to do whatever you want. Yes you are usually working for a boss but that doesn't control your every move the same way living under your parents roof does. Even things like being able to eat whatever you want are vastly underrated.

>lived like a teenager till I was 25
>part time work
>lived with strict mom and dad who would still ground me
>figured it was worth it because I could play videogames all day and not pay rent
>managed to get a decent job
>move out even tho I got to keep more money as a stay at home part time worker then I did working full time
my life is defiantly better but it still sucks from time to time. I love my job but it's really difficult work and I can defiantly tell i've grown quite a lot in the past 3 years. I just wish I could afford a house

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I dunno brother. Hope it's not, this shit's driving me mad already.

It's pretty good if you're financially stable and you minimize the amount of responsibility and obligations you have. Don't have kids too early, don't get into a serious relationship too early and most importantly don't go into debt or at least serious debt.

Same here man, seems like shit from what i've heard
but also heard that work is just school but easier, the biggest worries are taking care of yourself.

It's like High School except now you have five bombs ready to go off at different times that you need to diffuse in order to diffuse the bigger atomic bomb under you

to that i'd say: if sitting in class for 6 hours a day is prison, just wait til theyre working full time

It's very fun, especially when you start making adult money.

You will find out that people say school was the best time of your life not because it was any good, but because what comes afterwards is so horrible you wish you were back in school with all the small problems that drive you crazy now rather than the big problems you have as an adult.

Although I understand the sentiment, work is different. At work, you can go to the bathroom without asking, and can take a day off without having to commit some sort of forgery. And if you were a good student in American schools, you probably had to do lots of homework. And now you get to spend that time doing other things that you either enjot or you know are a more direct benefit to you.
I would still take school over a retail job, but I would absolutely rather be doing something even remotely interesting/edifying over being in high school.

i think retail was better than school, since at least you don't have homework and you make money, however little.

school truly is awful. all the worse for having happened to me at a time when i was still bright and hopeful.