What is this face type called like what features does she have?

What is this face type called like what features does she have?

Attached: IzUxjfJ.jpg (1080x1349, 133.82K)

>What is this face type called
baby face

The answer to both is neotenic.

Lolita face

Downie squashed in pig face.

Stay away, neotenous bitches with short round faces give you incel sons.

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Masculine mother or death

Attached: Henry-Cavill-with-mother-Marianne-Cavill.jpg (574x575, 40.81K)

take a seat while you wait for the FBI features

Attached: iu[1].jpg (640x420, 31.9K)

relax shes 18

the too old

i have this face and everyone assumes im about 5 years younger than i actually am

It seems like a semi-rounded face, fatty cheeks though. Maybe without makeup she would seem like a typical round face woman user

Why do Stacies come here?

it's a shame she's a whore

thats what you call a cockasian

Leave Her alone itx pronounce is Xhe/Her

im definitely no stacy. more like a femcel tomboy

Just dropping in to say that Jordyn Jones is literally a goddess.

>mfw I see a women with a body like that

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>What is this face type called
Ugly/Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder

14 yo face

roastie seethe fuel

I'm so glad I'm attracted to physically masculine women. I can't stand faggots who simp over women with weak chins, thin hair, and gaunt faces.

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