Refute this

Refute this.

Attached: 11.jpg (1280x720, 190.84K)

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We are omnivores.
We need a little bit of everything.

Left is veggies right is meat and flesh

this websites houses extreme autists; you're wasting your time

This. Balance is everything. Eating only veggies or only meats will shorten your lifespan



Trace minerals and potassium help absorption of protein as co-transporters. A variety of vegetables is undeniably good for you and a requisite for a balanced and healthy diet as well as muscle growth. A constant influx of carbohydrates from a plant based diet increases peripheral insulin resistance which will reduce cellular nutrient absorption, particularly protein which is deleterious to muscle growth (may be mitigated by insoluble fibre and size of the bolus - diet dependent)

There's a direct positive correlation between processed meat consumption and the incidence of colorectal cancer so I would avoid the deli meats.

Most of the stuff in there was pretty weak in terms of supportive evidence like the weaker erections from chicken breast. Lean meats are usually pretty good for you so long as you're not going for excessive protein consumption relative to your LBM, it just ends up as extra load on your liver.

As with all things, the extremes are appealing because they categorize things to people in an easy black and white that's easy to understand. The reality is that they're typically deficient in some way and things are more nuanced.

But why would humans eat shit like broccoli, cabbage (inedible flowers originally), carrots (inedible roots in their natural form), peppers (literal poison that hurts you immediatly), rice/wheat (inedible seeds in their natural form) etc.
Only fruits, berries and nuts are naturally edible to us. Most of these veggies they say are good for you only exist because of agriculture

this is your brain on animal fat

Yes animal fat, a food humans have been eating since before we were even human.
Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong though, I'm sure these products of agriculture are super healthy for you and not at all fucked up and full of shit that we shouldn't put in our bodies.

Attached: ripbirb.jpg (960x758, 145.5K)

>I'm sure these products of agriculture are super healthy for you and not at all fucked up and full of shit that we shouldn't put in our bodies.

Attached: ganaderiaimpacto10.jpg (450x299, 96.6K)

Wild meat is obviously better. But there is a fundamental difference between taking something that you already can naturally eat and is healthy for you
Like fruits and animals, and breeding it
Compared to taking something that does nothing for you or even harms you - like seeds and flowers, breeding that, until it becomes semi-edible
>b-but my hormones/antiobiotics
I know about all that but it's not the focus of my argument. Any plant you eat will also be full of pesticides too, just the nature of our plastic society

>(inedible roots in their natural form)
thats why we cook em bud.

>compromise your omnivorous diet because of the cruelties of modern slaughterhouse practices
Buy organic meat you shithead, if it weighs so heavily on your mind you'll spend the extra dime on meat cultivated from animals that lived well instead of becoming a malnourished vegetarian. That is assuming you didnt become a vegetarian just to be a smug holier than thou fuckhead trying to guilt trip regular people. Trust me though, you're not going to make me loose any sleep posting these pictures of cows and pigs getting killed

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Due to the industrialized global food industry crop rotation is no longer a thing and trace minerals and nutrient density in plant products has plummeted, combined with increase CO2 plants are growing larger but containing far less.

Not like beef is good practice, not at all, but there's plenty of systemic food industry problems that aren't localized to meat.

>carrots (inedible roots in their natural form)
You can eat raw carrots just fine breh.
You're thinking of potatoes. Though modern ones don't have it either.

>Only fruits, berries and nuts are naturally edible to us
Richard Wrangham says the main calorie source on the savannah has been cooked tubers

Attached: Hadza women digging for tubers.jpg (655x491, 137.23K)

post bmi

My mother shilled this to me. That’s all the evidence I needed to know this is at least 60% bullshit.

Niggers aren't humans

What that term actually means is that we can survive on a diet of just about anything. Our digestive tracts can handle both plants and meat.

What is humains ?