How do you cope with finding out a boy you like is used goods?

how do you cope with finding out a boy you like is used goods?
I asked him how many girls he's kissed and he went silent and then a few seconds later said "six or seven."

Attached: boys went to jupiter to get more stupider.jpg (637x604, 292.31K)

You either learn to live with it, or you don't. Can't really change the past, all you can do is decide if it's a deal breaker.

Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terribIe OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.

HOW do you cope. I already elected to live with it but it's so hard.

The sympathy this board has for sex-havers now is repulsive. my plight is real.

Women literally unironically cannot suffer.

I don't think you understand. HE. IS. USED. GOODS. He broke his pair bonding and I loved him.

This is such horrendous bait I almost believe you're a girl.

you ask yourself if you believe he did this as sleeping around casual stuff, or if he was looking for something real and got used.
I feel that makes a big difference, a normy who decided to come graze our grass vs one of us that got shot at from across the fence.

There are actually some girls who like virgin guys. I lost my virginity to one who mainly wanted to fuck me because I was a virgin

Used? That's why I said used goods. He is too hapless to have not been.
fucking mong, are you trying to tell me you would have no problem with a used goods foid?

>That's why I said used goods. He is too hapless to have not been.
Then it's not his fault is it? Be angry at the people who did this to him.
But I would never dream of punishing a kicked puppy for being kicked.

Yeah? And how is that relationship going?

If the puppy gets kicked by 7 different people who don't even know each other and are unrelated, does that not indicate a problem with the dog like maybe that it bites?
Either way, this dog (boy) was kicked (kissed) willingly a fuckload of times. I don't want fucking herpes.

Women prefer experienced men. It's kind of silly to wanna be special to this guy when you all fight for like the same 2 dudes out of a 100 man lineup and don't really consider others who try to talk to you. Why did you ever think you were gonna be the first or last? There's literally nothing special different or even human about you!

I don't want to give you advice: i hate you.

>I don't want fucking herpes.
you're being paranoid.
>fucking mong, are you trying to tell me you would have no problem with a used goods foid?
not him, but yes, if she was serious about just wanting her forever man and wouldn use and leave ME, then yes.
unfortunately, i've only ever been used and left.
so because someone else decided to lie to me im supposed to be alone forever now? cast out by normies AND my own?
I dont think back on the people who used me and smile about the physical experiences, it's all pain and I wish I could have it back.
but how is a teen with no experience supposed to tell when someone is real and when someone is just planning to use them?

>Women prefer experienced men
Yeah that's why he disgusts me now you fat fucking retard. God I hope next time you jack off the belt is too tight and you asphyxiate and die.

It's not a big deal. I've done way worse things than kiss people in my past so I hope neither will judge the other.

west elm caleb proves it too. once women found out that he pump and dumped over 100 women did they decide to blacklist him and stop taking his messages/advances?

no, they want him now even more than before and are showing off messages and dick pics he's sent them thinking it makes them special, one of calebs chosen harem members.

Of course I would because men and women are different.

look up a picture of him. he's a subhuman soijak and still pulls tail. it's diseased and they're all gonna have syphilis.
t. has herpes
die of it.

We both have a problem with it then, so I don't see how we're all that different from each other.

>Yeah that's why he disgusts me now you fat fucking retard.
used goods is a term to refer to something nobody wants anymore because its value has been reduced. The guy in question had his value augmented not reduced. It's incorrect to apply the term to him just because you're upset that you're a hypergamous whore.
no idea who that is.

>t. has herpes
>die of it.
No, I have zero illnesses of any kind ,sexually transmitted or otherwise.
hence my saying you are paranoid.
KISSING a few girls isn't going to have given him herpes unless he is truly the unluckiest man alive, given the way you're talking about him though, he may just be.

just don't get a guy who is a non-virgin
you are entitled to make that choice
people who cry about it are just salty you crushed their manwhore lifestyle

He belongs to the streets!!!

Yeah, his value has been reduced and I don't want him anymore. I'm waiting to kiss until marriage and expect the same from my future husband but I am the whore here?
You get oral herpes from kissing dumbass. There's different kinds of herpes.

>people who cry about it are just salty you crushed their manwhore lifestyle
No, they're crushed that because of other peoples lies they are being punished.

>can't get chad early enough
>still stuck on it
I believe this is the part where you would tell me to get over it incel. Suffer. This is the world you created.

I am scared to ask if he had sex or not. The kissing has already disturbed me enough.

>You get oral herpes from kissing dumbass
yeah but you sound like a teen, and it sounds like hes a teen and oral herpes isnt very common in teens, you need to get some dirty in your life first, meth heads and crackwhores, sure, be worried about oral herpes, but just a guy who's kissed (and only kissed!) some teen girls? You. Are. Paranoid.

>and I don't want him anymore.
Then why did you make the thread? You've already decided so fuck off.

>women never achieved anything or contributed to society
>except the things I don't like, they did all of that stuff

Wait a minute you actually think kissing pair bonds? This wasn't a euphemism for sex? If you really want to fix this you can call your elected officials and ask them to begin the process of repealing the 19th Amendment.

if someone lied about you being a manwhore and you really aren't in that case it's a matter of mutual trust
it's best to be upfront about your expectations, even if it might seem awkward
just don't let yourself be gaslighted into thinking your expectations about a potential partner are unreasonable
you are 100% entitled to your man:
not making out with other girls
not watching porn
being on the level of intimacy you feel comfortable with

He is 32 and I am 27.
I want to get over this hangup but you're all making it worse

They never contributed anything good or positive, no. What you're experiencing is the sexual revolution and feminism. Every time Chad kissed a girl, there was a sexually liberated girl on the other end of that.

If I were a manwhore would I have spent most of the past decade alone and celibate because of the wounds and distrust that being used piled on to me?

>Yeah, his value has been reduced
you're one autistic nobody, you don't decide market valuations.
>I'm waiting to kiss until marriage and expect the same from my future husband but I am the whore here?
fair. force of habit. I'll retract whore. But you're still hypergamous, throwing yourself at men who don't want you because you're shallow. Honestly i don't really believe you're going to hold onto that kissing rule for long. I honestly wouldn't believe you if i met you. I'd just assume you were trying to betabuxx me.