Y tho?

y tho?

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As a legchad this hurts to watch

probably females legs, they want to be dainty

what am I lookin at here?

Calf reduction

Cunts getting surgery to hide their swole calf muscles from years of wearing high heels.

Calf reduction surgery before and after.

grim as fuck.

>you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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I heard this shit leads to you not being able to walk properly when you get old. Turns out you kinda need those muscles...
Enjoy pathetically falling over, breaking your hip and dying in hospital at age 50

can someone explain why you would ever do this? im deeply retarded and i cant figure it out

If you see me like this, MYOB, I’m trying to grow my calves.

>pic related

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They are women. Big calves look ugly on women.

thats fuckin deranged. i want women to have powerful haunches i want to see some fuckin tree stumps down there. why you sluts WHY

Just lose weight then lazy bitches

I have a calf divot but only on one leg. What does that mean?

Dude, females are weird af

honestly this looks alpha as shit for some reason.


Wait til you see that gif of zilinskey