Buying from corporate chains not only ruins your gains but also spreads disaster for the human race

Buying from corporate chains not only ruins your gains but also spreads disaster for the human race
If you agree you are not only right but also handsome

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I'm not a urbsfag, all ubranites will go to hell

How do I escape the Urban hellscape?
I feel so fucking trapped
I just want to return to the rural life

OP picrel is how I farm knowing that niggers are destroying themselves and the cities they dwell in

Glad to see more people are interested in ditching the cities, and I don't blame them. I bought land in bumfuck Texas, built a farmhouse and started a farm out here back in 2019. I do not miss urban life one fucking bit.

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Facts brother, so true bestie

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I sujest you start working in the countryside over this summer, get a job picking potatos and make friends. its very nice. and once you have enough experiance and money you can buy yourself a property and develop a nice house.
Wish you well user

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>agender human
There's absolutely no hope for zoomers. Good to know that they would rather get gunned down and raped by Tyrone in some shithole US city than to take peaceful walks surrounded by vegetation.

Cities are pretty much for meeting people, and leaving imo. I don't know why you'd want to live there.

How do I start working in the country side bro?
I used to live in a nice little village in Maine and now I live in Seattle and my life is ruined by it.

You don't. There's no jobs.

How am I supposed to escape then?

Based tyrones taking out the trash

Literally just get a different job and move?

Lmao checked the profile and they literally copy and paste every post they make on like 5 different subs. But it’s not for attention I swear

I don't have a job at all

You could work at a farm, only problem is unregulated immigrant labor has driven wages into the floor. You need a skill like operating equipment or commercial trucks. That and there's always work for a good mechanic out here.

Wtf right wingers are based? Maybe me and my boys should start recruiting them

Had a disaster of a spring and only got a couple of good plants in my freshly built backyard garden, but the peppers are huge and already have like 10+ on each plant this year.

Even easier.
