Greek yogurt for lazy gains

I'm too lazy to research foods and supplements so all I do to get protein for gains is to eat 1 kg of low fat greek yogurt per day. According to the label I get 90g of protein just by mindlessly emptying a 1 kg cup. Is there any demerit I should be aware of?

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Don’t eat it all at once, your body can only absorb 30g of protein at once. Break it up into two hour intervals.


God told me in a dream, take it or leave it.

actually retarded

Enjoy your calcium overdose

Φρόντιζε να πίνεις μπόλικο νερό μη γαμηθούν τα νεφρά σου από την συσσώρευση ασβεστίου και κατουράς κοτρόνες στα 25 σου.

I don't know what the detriment is but I guarantee you there is one. Life can never be so easy, there's always a fucking catch

Yep, after searching it a bit it turns out calcium overdose is a real danger. Some googling reveals symptoms like diarrhea and stomach pain start after 1500mg per day, and 1kg of the yogurt I have is 1750mg of calcium. Oh well. I guess I'll limit the yogurt intake somewhat, maybe eat a couple of eggs to compensate or sth.
Thanks anons for bringing it in my attention.

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make sure you eat enough meat to get daily vitamin C requirements

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funny how the people giving advice opposite of what the current fitness community agrees upon never posts their body when asked

nta but posting body is null these days. Even if you do post body anons will call it a larp and never post body in return, even though I agree that this is how arguments should be handled here. Most of Any Forums doesn't even lift.

no one wants to give you fags wank material, and im also not about to dance to some vegans tune when he will just ignore that im more shredded than him and go to the next thread

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Not eating more than 30g of yogurt protein is vegan now? Wow fat and a retard. If you post your body and look better than me I’ll post mine for you to laugh at them leave the thread. but you won’t because your a fat bitch with no muscle

post your body or your mom will die in her sleep tonight


Can you morons please just use a little bit of logic for once in your life?

Think about evolutionary science and consider the fact that we descend from hunter gatherers who would often go days without any type of meat/protein.

Then they would kill some animal, eat the entire thing in one sitting, and go start hunting again. What kind of complete retard would believe that despite our bodies being designed to do this, we can somehow only absorb 30g of protein at a time?

It has to be some type of elaborate troll, or maybe the collective IQ of this board has deteriorated to Somalia-tier. Honestly not sure

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im assuring you that i wont dance to your little tune, schizo

go watch gay porn if u want a wank

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I know that already, remember I already called you a fat bitch.

Next time you feel like posting fitness opinion without backing it up with your body just fuck off instead.

probably depends on genetics desu