How do I develop a Herculean immune system?

came down with the illness. need immune system gains please

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Add liver and kiwis to your diet

vit c
raw garlic
more water
cut inflammatory foods from your diet for a bit
good amount of cardio

eat your own boogers
also good for confidence gains if you do it in public

1) eat
2) lift
3) rest
4) rest


Zinc, natural bacteria from being outside, vitamin d from the sun.

Vitamin C doesn't do shit to prevent illnesses, only helps to fight an already existing one. Zinc on the other hand does both. Reduce cortisol levels by sleeping 8h and meditating. Eat garlic and onions. Cold showers or cold exposure in general. Wim-Hof-method.

Forgot to say take garlic cloves unpeeled and put them in a jar with honey and let it sit until it gets runny and then eat a piece and drink i spoonful of the honey when you are starting to feel sick, also it goes good on food.

Kill wife and sons.
Steal golden apples.
Kill mythological boar and eat it.
Angry gods and your mother-in-law
Kill giant enemy crab sent by your mother-in-law

how long do i let it sit

3 days then burp it each day and should be ready to use after a week, also you can continually keep topping it up with more honey, and garlic when it gets low.

Adopt at least 6 dogs and stop washing your hands, never been sick since then

is this achievable natty?

Become a daycare worker or a janny for a school or college. You'll catch everything for 2 years and then be immune.

Dig in the dirt and plant stuff or at least camp sometimes.

How long does it last? Do i fridge it?

you could do either if you wanted it cool or room temp, itll last at least a year if not longer especially if you used a glass jar. Honey lasts forever so its just the garlic that can potentially go off down the lawn.

here is a good number of directions on what to look for and burping and everything.

God bless you, user. I knew about garlic but mixing it up with honey sounds like the next step.

youre welcome and may god bless your health user