What made Reddit such an insufferable fucking platform in the first place?

What made Reddit such an insufferable fucking platform in the first place?

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people. same reason Any Forums sucks ass. people are annoying as fuck on the internet, and it wins over time. entropy

Karma is retarded

Summed it up perfectly

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It's cancer just like all other social media. People thinking they and their feelings matter on the internet. Appeals to mainstream attitudes. I'm afraid it also has to do with women being on the platform.

Turning into a safe space, tyrannical, power hungry mods who sit there all day thinking they do gods work.

Now it's just reposted smartass comments, karma farming larp posts, non-genuine reassurance posts in response to karma farming larps, reposting the same safe half-baked memes every 2 days and people who post links to news articles and give their opinion when they don't know what the fuck theyre talking about.

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The fact that you can become mod or admin on a sub with no qualifications and no training.

1. Made by insufferable faggots like Aaron Swartz
2. The upvote/downvote system
Those are enough reasons

>Can't post in certain subs if you don't have X amount of karma
>Can't post if account is too young
>Get instantly banned from subs if you happen to be in a sub they have beef with
>Get instantly banned if you disagree with the majority
>Get Karma nuked if you go against the majority in a major sub
>If you piss off a power mod you'll be banned from the top subs, probably some that you are in

There's just too much fucking moderation, almost every utility on that site serves echo chambers, even twitters like feature is fucking better.

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Reddit was great before the mid 2010s. It had open subs dedicated to CP and white supremacy


Reddit wasn't worth shit in 2010. It was like a crappy clone of this website.

Once the smartphone normies went online, they swarmed places like reddit making it profitable. Hollywood and advertisers wanted in on it and you can't have some dickwipe edgy kid calling Kevin Costner a fag in his AMA, so it became a heavily regulated safe-space to promote shit and sell adspace.

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Reddit grew out of the activist cringelords that were kicked out of Any Forums.

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The upvote/downvote system. This is what makes Reddit absolutely insufferable. It's just terrible and if Reddit had an option to turn it off, the site wouldn't be as bad.

Also, the userbase is fucking horrible. They're all incredibly liberal. It's impossible to have an actual debate on that site.

This. Anything that accumulates enough of an audience will become awful eventually.

Unironically, it's popularity and accessibility. Which is why it attracts so many of *those* types.

the karma system - by design
it rewards the most awful aspect of human nature - desire for social validation. thus, no one is genuine in their comments for fear of wrong think/being judged. add in the fact you can see a user's post history and resort to ad hominems, rather than address the argument at hand. only conforming opinions are upvoted, or obnoxious references in supposed reference trains or wit trains of comments. the desire for goodboypoints for a good comment just leads to virtue signalling and calls for attention. it's like having a peanut gallery dictate conversation leading to a conformist hivemind afraid to ever face a dissenting view. add in some overzealous moderation, centalization of said moderation, political bias, and karmabots for framing narratives for good measure.

it's a message board deliberately made worse by design.

I was mod on r/showerthoughts for a couple months before they booted me for being to based

got perma banned for saying trannies dont belong in womans sports in r/news and i also got a bunch of angry texts from a mod from there.

The upvote system promotes groupthink.

The moderator system promotes the worst possible people into power.

The dumbest people are the most outspoken
Because of this, they're more prone to upvoting things they like and downvoting things they don't
You leave this running in a recursive feedback loop for a decade and a half and you have something that's worse than you can even imagine

The shits I don't give would fill the entire observable universe. Anyone who uses Reddit, even ironically, should be permabanned. Also, after Trump, the Capital Riots, and Q, I'm pretty sure "based" has come to mean "retarded."