Why do black conservatives all have the same look?

Why do black conservatives all have the same look?

Attached: Allen_West,_Official_Portrait,_112th_Congress.jpg (800x943, 108.7K)

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that fluoride stare

A more developed frontal lobe than the others.

Is there a problem with a black actually making the effort to act like a civilized human being?

The 5% of japhetite blood in them manifests like that

The harder it is to become something, the more likely all versions of that thing will be the same.
It's very hard to, for example, be a pro basketball player. As a result most pro basketball players are tall, usually somewhat muscular, not fat, kind of aggressive/driven, etc.
On the other hand it is easy to become a retail worker, so many different lifestyles and personality types are exhibited in retail work or many other low paying jobs.

To be a famous black conservative you have to have a personality that appeases white people who, whether they admit it or not, are probably at least kind of uncomfortable around black people. On top of achieving well enough to make it into the political spotlight, and also not having viewpoints that would make you prefer being a liberal.
All of these constraints make it so only a handful of personality types and even ways of presenting oneself can really make it. That's why Colin Powell, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, and to a lesser extent Larry Elder all look similar. Condoleeza Rice and Stacy Dash also look kinda similar too desu.

the "i worked hard" look?


The best reply I have ever seen on arcanine. Thoughtful and with good reasoning. Very nice

>pro basketball players are tall, usually somewhat muscular, not fat, kind of aggressive/driven
these are physical traits that aid in basketball. what physical traits aid conservatives, specifically black ones?

they have to look non-threatening to white people

zero drip. just like the conceited racist white conservatives they jump through hoops to impress.

Imagine being black and not
>Anti-white liberal who doesn't actually care about reality and just about destroying whites, will put up a near infinite number of copes to explain why they're right
>Retarded ghetto gorilla whose only purpose is to get shot by police so the former can bully white people and put anti-white laws into place

It has to be nuclear blackpill tier, far worse than anyone on this board can imagine.

Conservative nig nig daddy beat my pussy up. He looks mental stable.

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I'm honored
Hard to say, my buest guess is that it has something to do with styling and facial structure. We tend to judge people a lot on their faces, and in politics people are famous often bc they look proper on TV. Not necessarily good, but they can give off the right impressions. Trump would be an example of someone who did this well, while Chris Christie, someone who did poorly ( I chose these two despite both being fat East Coast guys).
This leads to a few possibilities.
1. People saw how they looked and treated them in a way that made them right wing.
2. They were interested in right wing stuff and they had the look for it that allowed them to become famous.
3. Their looks are the result of genetic/lifestyle factors which also make them conservative and high achieving.

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They're black, retard.

So makes them based nice also 5% lol

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Definitive proof that if you're white and still a virgin, it's because you're actuvely trying to be a virgin. JBW is real.

Is there a higher rez of this?
Also, when they imagine white guys, they imagine tall, muscular, educated and socially apt white men. For the same reason why white whores say black guys are superior.

Just open it up

>Why do black conservatives all have the same look?
They've been domesticated like the whites