What is the ideal weight for a [spoiler]5’8[/spoiler] guy?

What is the ideal weight for a [spoiler]5’8[/spoiler] guy?

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95 lbs

do androids run and lift as long as they want because of their unlimited energy?

50kg twunk

I dont know, little guy
Why dont you go and ask your mom?

Probably, that would explain how 17 reached god tier by super

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Don’t know
Just plug numbers into a bmi calculator until you figure it out
Anywhere between 18-23 is good

h-he fought cell jrs on the island


The fuck, are trying to make him a sissy-sized fem boy?

As a recovering slave of demonic homosexual corruption, this board is extremely tiresome to be on.

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Im 165 at that height and would like to go heavier. We're too tall to unlock true dwarf mode but I see no reason not to embrace the same philosphy - if you can't reach the peak attractivness to femoids you might as well aim for peak manliness.
Btw 165 at 5'8 isn't even very heavy. I usually only get comments about physique from office coworkers and old people. If you're lighter, aim for this as a starting point.

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I'm 5'7 and I weigh roughly that much. I hope to cut a little further so I can have visible abs. Then I will probably just embrace your philosophy

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Close one

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As a fellow 5'6 manlet I think you can either go for the 135lbs twink mode, which is good to attract women under 28 but you will look like a perfect bully victim.
Or go down the muscle twunk mode. Like pic related 155 - 165lbs of almost pure muscle.
Just stay away from roids.

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23 is twink mode my man

18 is under weight and you will look like a middle schooler nerd.
23 only when you already have decent muscle mass.

No less than 180

You’re either fat or a bot

>150+ pounds of pure muscle
>without roids
You're actually retarded
At 11% bf the natty limit for a 5'6" mallet is 144lbs. That will take you almost a decade of exercise.

However much a pile of ashes weighs.

Read again.
Obviously you would have to have advanced to elite lifts

Why 23? Most good looking physiques are above that

You're not going to achieve that without roids. What's the point of looking good when you're so old that girls don't want you anymore? If you want to be muscular just take the God damn oil injections.