Long for a gf my entire life

>long for a gf my entire life
>get one at 29
>she is completely ruining my gains
>should have stayed single

Is there lifts for this feel?

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same except she’s thin and not ruining my gains
what is she doing user? did you snag a fat?

what's the secret to get a girlfriend?

I just let go a huge fart and thought
> God... When I was with her I kept those for hours and hours.. this is so good

Dumb her

It's a secret

This feeling sucks though no cap fr

Talk to women

real shit

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pm sent, check your inbox ;)

be yourself

You're just really old to be learning how to balance your life and relationships. Better figure it out fast

>make sure you aren't insufferable or boring
>talk to women
>be yourself
thats it honestly, the hardest part is finding women to talk to. tinder is obviously the easiest way to do this but the type of women on tinder are not the kind you want to be in a relationship with, trust me

If you can get one, you can get another. Not saying break up with her, just express yourself honestly and if she blows up in an unreasonable and controlling manner, you should probably consider another girl

I really need to talk to her about certain things, being a 29 year old incel means I have issues that I maybe have to tell her about? She seems understanding so far but I think being honest about stuff might help her understand me more

Yeah I never realised a gf took up so much time and effort. I look back and my life was simple when it was just work/gym and gaming on my days off. I even miss random flirting with girls. Life seems more grey now somehow even though I have a girl that loves me.

> I have issues that I maybe have to tell her about?
Eh, I wouldn't. You think they'll understand you, but really they'll just see weakness and lose respect. Could be wrong, but I'm probably not.

>Life seems more grey now somehow even though I have a girl that loves me.
Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. You just need to choose which shade of green you prefer. Just don't quit lifting (being fit/healthy) after you get tied down.

You're not wrong at all had a few girls interested in me, want and like the same things good chemistry. Tell them my weaknesses and boom
>I love you like a friend user

Were you already in a relationship with them though? This girls says she loves me and wants to marry me etc

Almost made the mistake of giving up lifting/dieting but I had a conversation with her and she knows I need to keep training and eating right

I don’t know man, this is my first time doing this so maybe you’re right. I’ve already told her weird shit that would put other girls off. I just need to make sure she is the one for me and accepts certain things about me. Do girls really get put off by depression and anxiety in guys

Great cock and social skills. Mainly the great cock

YES. It's such a damn meme but you HAVE to treat women even the girl you're with as a child. They do NOT understand men's emotions, if you CRY in front of her she will completely change how she sees you forever. Once you lose the frame of
>this is my MAN that is the foundation of our relationship
there's no coming back. You telling her some emotional shit that you are dealing with is like quicksand to that foundation. Women want the idea of you having emotional problems but not actually having to deal with them.

>Do girls really get put off by depression and anxiety in guys
Absolutely. You can NEVER appear weak to women. Women test the quality of men by attempting to weaken them. It's not because they want you to be weak, it's because they can't just tell a man to be strong, because then weak men would behave like strong men and pass on their shit genes.

rapes till failure

There's no private messaging or inboxes on this site, retard

Yes, there is. Send you a message now. Go look.

So what’s the point in a gf? My sex drive isn’t high enough to merit all the effort it takes to maintain a relationship. It’s more of an annoyance than anything else now. All I wanted was a girl I could trust and rely on and to share things with.

Try to be attractive

>So what’s the point in a gf?
Children are the point of a monogamous relationship. There's literally no other reason. If you're not doing that then you're wasting your time and hers. You already know you're not gonna find happiness just by being in a relationship, that comes from mindset, not external factors, so either have kids or don't take this relationship so seriously, because it's not serious until children are involved.