Just hit 3 plate deadlift PR at 85kg

>Just hit 3 plate deadlift PR at 85kg

>started lifting no breaks 4x a week a decade ago at 63kg

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what is the purpose of this thread?
why did you make this?

>bench pr was 140kg 5 years ago, now 2 plate
>never squatted over 2.5plate in my life

to celebrate my PR

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Impressive benchpress but how tf is your deadlift PR only slightly more than your benchpress? Long legs, short arms?

If that’s you, you gotta eat more to get that ass and thighs:
Put some butter in your meals, sugar in your shakes and eat some chocolate if you’re in bed

She should squat deeper.

Is this bitch half Asian? I hate normalizing fatness but she looks abnormally thin

it's called bulimia

You guys say it’s so easy to be a woman but imagine being a woman and wanting to be thin and knowing there’s a 0% chance you’ll ever come close to that. If you’re a guy with decent genetics at least you know you can hop on gear and work out hard and have a top tier body

she needs to eat

t. American

If she actually did proper form maybe she would be. That hip thrust doesn't even reach the spot.

why yes I am

Did she try eating? She's thin as fuck.

I started lifting as a teen

so the first few years were pretty much upper body

my bench is only 2 plate now.. but so is my squat

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what's this bitches name?

excellent thread OP

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>a decade for this


>my bench is only 2 plate now.. but so is my squat

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