What does Any Forums think of League of Legends?

What does Any Forums think of League of Legends?

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im a loser so i enjoy it

At first it seemed to me as a stupid point and click game. Then the addiction came in, and the rest is history

The show was kino, but not kino enough to make me go back to playing it.

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I watched the show and it was decent enough, so I tried out the game.
Boring as fuck and dropped it in like two days.

the core gameplay of league is boring as shit, team fights are the only fun part

you should have tried battlerite then, its just teamfight the game

>beta- seasons 1-3
pure memes, everyone is dogshit, champs are being released with crazy abilities that get toned down, meta isnt even a concept
>seasons 4-6
very fun, decent diversity, everything could be played and a lot of for fun builds worked
tencent forces self heal/press button receive shield meta for chinks, because they like it for some reason. gameplay stagnates, the top 10% of champs obviously outclass the bottom 90% but everything is more or less viable. tencent specifically kills most for fun builds
>season 10-now
game is completely unplayable. the top 30 champs completely outclass the bottom 130 and a fat selection of champs are outright troll picks. every single facet of this decade old game is known to everyone and games are decided by what team has the biggest retards over what team has the best player. absolutely no fun allowed because items are dogshit and all the power is in champs with books for abilities. who wants to play a game where you lost to a retard who is way worse than you just because he picked an innately broken champion and had more teammates than you?

It reminds me of Warcraft 3, but without everything that made it fun.

i just followed the whole "LEAGUE BAD SMELLY PLAYERS HUE HUE HUE" meme until my friends and gf convinced me to play it a couple months ago. it's been a lot of fun. i get burnt out after only 4 or 5 games so it's only had a small impact on my life, but i've been able to connect with my real life friends a lot more through it and distance myself from of my more toxic online friends.

yeah this is pretty true. laning just gets fucking stale after a bit, and it's unbearable if you're weaker than whoever you're laning against.

lol. one of my friends fucking loved the show (especially jinx) and immediately downloaded the game. he bought arcane jinx for 10 bucks and then dropped the game after 1 (ONE) and said he hated it. lol

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Fun in seasons 2 and 3. Got tired of it by mid season 4. Despise it and its community now as both have infected other games.

Played it back in 2019
I only played Tryndamere top, always, for seven months straight
When he was banned I would take Jax or Kha-Zix or whatever the name of that badass bug
Was fun but very tiring and repetitive because 4 out of 5 characters are anime pedo-bait, rats like heimerdinger or faggot mage
Maybe one day I'll go back to playing it

Shit game, they can't balance any of their games

i got tired of the shitty anime characters (ESPECIALLY FUCKING APHELIOS) and have been gaining pantheon for a while now. i just fucking love everything about him.

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Enjoyed it back around 2013 or something like that. Kind of want to get back into it but I can't be bothered to go through all the new champs and items and talents and stuff. Also I hate that all the new champions look like pretty boy models. The monstrous ones were the coolest.

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This game is full of mentally ill degenerate retards. Don't play if you want to retain your sanity.

you can say the same about anything in life though

It's a game designed to induce rage
>Game where your chances of winning/losing mostly depend on the matchmaking system
>The champion a SINGLE player chooses can easily swing the chances of the entire match being won from like 66% to 33% depending on if they know how to play it. This can be statistically validated.
>Game is snowbally as hell
>Game takes a long fucking time for a snowball to eventually result in a defeat or forfeit, and even prevents you from forfeiting too early.

It's just an intrinsically frustrating game and people think the community is "toxic" but really there's nothing to do in a losing game besides verbally abuse people to kill the time. The root of all evil is boredom and league is a game that traps you into boring uninteresting situations consistently for long periods of time.

I used to play a bunch of ryze before he had a skillshot who was broken as fuck but most people could not play him since he has limited mobility. I was worse but still okay with him with the skillshot. They then made him unpickable in soloQ by changing his ult. It's amazing how many games I won not by even being good but by simply convincing my team to not pick champs that they're bad at, are bad, and are hard countered it legit probably bumped me up a full league so I ended up getting carried most games. The one thing I will give league is that having a clue about social skills and leadership have a far more massive impact on your winrate than even most players actually realize.

Just another shitty distraction from your shitty miserable life. I dont know about you but Im tired of copes hand me a fucking rope already.

it's alright but it's like dota on anti depressants, less lows less highs. it's unfortunate because league was adopting a lot of things from dota and actually releasing things unlike dota for a solid year or so. unfortunately people didn't like the fact that items opened things up to actually fun ways of playing the game and riot rolled back any hope they hade of making a fun game.

I posted on the old forums, General Discussion in particular. It was my first forum and holds a good taste of nostalgia more than ever before. I used to read Veigar x Lulu fanfictions, but I'll never mention that in real life since I'm a grown 21 year old man now. Time really does fly.

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