How do you improve the modern man, Any Forums?

How do you improve the modern man, Any Forums?

>social relations/connection


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Step one is he has to be vaccinated and go to therapy.

A devastating solar storm that knocks out the power grid followed by WW3

The first step is to do what you want and stop giving a shit what other people think. The problem with most people is that they are driven by what society expects of them. That's perfectly fine to the extent of getting a good job and buying a home and starting a family but too many people just listen to whatever the government or the media or Facebook tell them without exercising a modicum of critical thought.

You will pay income tax. You will have health insurance through your full time job. You will have a two income household. You will send your child to public school. You will buy food at the supermarket. You will pay utilities. You will pay property tax. You will report your income. You will consume state approved media.

Today I saw UVs were at level 11,aka extreme,didnt went out.
Now I feel like a soyo

Imagine being this level of eastoid bugman

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Almost as if there's still a pandemic going on that has killed literally millions of people at this point

Choose life

just do the opposite of that picture
>eat meat
>don't always watch news
>don't snack every 2 hours
>don't always have hand sanitizer "handy"
>don't mask outdoors
>don't be on medication
>don't be afraid of the sun
>keep vit D and test high
green juice is good for you though. it's just vegetables and fruit (but avoid putting fruit in if you care about sugar because there's no fiber with the juice)

You will mask your children and send them to a state lobotomy facility. Your child will not get meat because it is bad for the environment. Your child will be placed on a red flag list.

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>green juice is good for you though. it's just vegetables and fruit (but avoid putting fruit in if you care about sugar because there's no fiber with the juice)
I though fruit was the good one and vegetables were shit tho?

Drinking your calories is never good.

>get your glob of pale biohazard from the grocery store
>it’s wrapped in plastic and served on a plate of styrofoam
Just like my ancestors!

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I wear sunscreen because I'm not a ethnic gentleman and I don't want skin cancer, I wear a mask outdoors because of all the pollen and dried dog shit and cat piss and cigarette ash and all sorts of other dusty garbage that floats around in the air and gets picked up by the wind and you directly inhale that shit. it's also good for diaphragm gains unlike all the weaklings that started to riot after 3 weeks of wearing the mask at wal mart.
Same thing with hand sanitizer, I always had some on me ages before corona was ever a thing. I'm not a filthy shit pig.

also this thread is gonna approach le modern man problem from their own perspective where modern man is plagued by all sorts of leftist normie problems like he spends too much time uh tweeting BLM on social media right but no one is gonna be like "hey maybe posting frogs for 16 hours a day and being mad at women isn't healthy either"

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You sound like a fucking canadian.

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yeah and people trying to gaslight and cancel culture you into washing your hands when you use the washroom is the same as stalin's gulags, clearly preventing people from sneezing directly into each other's open stupid mouths is worse than hitler

Is this your particular paranoid fantasy or one shared by a majority of rethuglican knuckledraggers?

Don’t you have butchers in america ?

sorry I can't hear you over my free healthcare, 4 seasons, culturally-woke prime minister who has 700 pics of him in racist blackface, and maple syrup that's actually made from maple sap and not mutated corn tumor juice

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Don't forget to sterilize them and me for that infraction! (if we're white only tho)
Honestly you should be eating either/both with fiber. Fruits have a lot of sugar. If you eat them with the fiber (non-juiced) then it's fine (depending on how much you eat).

I cant hear you because I have severe tinnitus from all my guns.

It's funny how much closer to reality that guys post is becoming and you still try and deny it based on political party lines.

>It's funny how much closer to reality that guys post is becoming
what exactly in his post was "close to reality" besides the reality that sometimes some schools might have mask mandates but most of the time they don't because of qanon karens

Name 1 US public school that has banned meat.

I'm an anarchist. Taxation is slavery. State 'education' is an abomination which we created based on the Prussian model. The goal of which was to create good slaves that will be willing cannonfodder for the state. Republicans and democrats are the exact same thing. They are a fake dichotomy. Republicans claim to want smaller government but when was the last time a single one said he would repeal income taxation, destroy the irs, audit the federal reserve, or take us off our temporary fiat petrodollar. Nixon brought us off the gold standard and backed the dollar with saudi oil but only temporarily. How long has that been, since '71? Ideally one would have a family ranch, built with natural materials to avoid property taxes on a fucking structure which is retarded. Property tax shouldn't be based on phony home price, only land if at all. Housing is artificially high based on fixed interest rates and the fed fund giving free money away to central banks. A perfect world existed in North America, but that was before the Europeans came here. Read Cabeza de Vaca.

>muh “pandemic”
I wish this pandemic was real and killed you retarded fucks

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In nyc they now do not serve meat on fridays. It is only a mater of time. You would have to be retarded to send your kid to public school anyway. I am pro school shooting for that reason. The more people pull their kids out of that shit the better.

Speaking facts user. The loyal slaves are too brainwashed and dumb to even see that they are enslaved