How does it even get to this point

how does it even get to this point

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I assume depressive episodes and an enabling partner.

Bet hes happier than you op

Basically this

>how does he have a gf and I dont?
personality. being a chad isn't about physique its about energy. You will never have it

who is this bloatlord?


Attached: 5yZP6a7Oyizz.jpg (473x580, 17.54K)

wow, men really can get preggnant !

Is this the ultimate skinnyfat king?

>skinnyfat king
That'd be pic related.

Attached: 1644265149712.png (1024x683, 1.03M)

>ugly partner as ugly as him
>lazy slob
>feels like shit everyday
>hates himself when he looks in the mirror
>knows he’ll always be a useless waste of space, generic loser and amount to nothing in life

Yeah, sounds real happy. I’m sure his video games and pop tarts are just a big cope

It crept up on me around 2021 man
You try to keep up with the gym, workload, maybe therapy, your girlfriend keeps telling you she loves you just the way you are "you're not getting fat" "I still find you sexy" and you get so comfortable man, gaming, blowjobs, comfort food, life is """good""" except you feel tired more and more and the sex is lame and low effort and you can't sleep even though you sleep too long

This is why "I just lift to get a gf" never makes it

Then you start hitting the gym more again, fuck it two scoops, fuck it I'll just not eat, fuck it throw all the sugary shit away, gf will say "chill out you're too hard on yourself" but you keep going and she might throw some drama but with the drama comes better sex and more pussy again and you realise comfort is bullshit, staying a bit on edge and miserable leads to consistent growth and you start liking the guy in the mirror again
That's how it goes for me man, that's how you turn it away from that point but god damn it I understand 100% how it can get that bad

why do fatties always use this cope? yes i'm sure your daily few hours of binging make up for the fact that your life is miserable 24/7

Me just without the partner, despite lifting


good post. I got complacent and lazy with my previous gf and it culminated in us both being out of shape, lazy and the relationship falling apart.

Now I'm with a Any Forums beauty that wants to have my children and I'm not gonna let us get lazy. I push myself and her, when she asks "Would you still love me if I got fat?" I tell her flat no, then wrestle her onto the bed if she gets upset. We fight more than I did with my previous girlfriend, but we also have much more desire and moments of bliss than I ever did with anyone else.

tldr: having highs and lows beats life being a monotone flatline. Applies to fitness, lovelife, you name it.

ITT: Projection

Looks like he's living in a campervan, that's why the lounge is in the kitchen.
I have a secret desire to go full nomad mode and get a kitted out (large) van.
Sadly it's not really conducive to where I live or my life goals

but 4ch tells me women are hyper selective and will leave you the moment you no longer adhere to their high standards.

is it a meme or was your gf insecure or what?


i absolutely bet he isn't

>couch in kitchen

he is in a better position than me

It's almost like there's people here who want you alone, desperate, depressed & demoralised
if you want help I'll give you a reading list, otherwise feel free to stick with the other crabs in the bucket brother, it's less painful to believe that it is impossible than it is to know that it's been possible all along

Complacency is a slow death

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Repeatedly bad events that just cause you to stop giving a fuck entirely and truly wishing for quick death. Imagine your friends start dying or moving away, you parents die, your girlfriend just starts to get fatter and more dependent, bills pile up, you find yourself regularly in contact with people you don’t want to associate with, your water heater goes and suddenly you owe $2,000, everything around you in general seems to be deteriorating, you can’t catch a break no matter how hard you try, and then you see people in polar opposite circumstances who effortlessly eclipse your life results let alone without effort, but even further these people who live as active fuck ups and shit just seems to go there way. You break eventually and you start reshaping your life, your existence, to be a protest and mockery of existence.