Be dyel

>be dyel
>get tattoos
>look Any Forums

Attached: 385956D4-4CF9-45BE-896A-F1DAD2837602.jpg (1152x768, 60.51K)

>get tattoos
>still look dyel

Tattoos will unironically turn any man from an incel to a slayer

these are the only types of tattoos I like

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HOOP that shit UP!

Bros the tattoo psy op is getting to me. The tattoo posting combined with everyone irl telling me to get tattoos. I can't fold and conform though. Fuck tattoos they're gay and consoomerist version of identity.

>be dyel
>look Any Forums

I'm glad I'm not alone, user. Both my sisters have tattoos and I was so close to getting inked when I was in Costa Rica. I'm glad I didn't though. I like to donate blood and go in sensory deprivation tanks on a regular basis

He's not 100% Dyel. He looks athletic.

>look like your average home owner
>get tattoos
>look like trailer trash

you have to be really dedicated to get all that shit scrawled on your body
do you really want to spend hours and a small fortune getting tats and have those shitty drawings on your body for the rest of your life when you never really liked the idea much anyway? all for some pussy

>>look like trailer trash
>living in a trailer is bad because..... IT JUST IS OK
fuck off retard
I would get stuff that I think is cool myself. But yeah altering yourself permanently to get pussy is beyond cringe.

Not all tattoos are mindless consoomer trash but there definitely are a lot of tasteless betamales that get them.
A lot of you guys are obsessed with how your body's look so I get it if not everyone is a fan.

Attached: munewari-japanese-tattoo-black-and-grey.jpg (1080x1080, 140.45K)

When the fuck did people get so christian


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We are approaching the point in which being straight edge and Christian will be the edgy counterculture

Yea, I guess the pendulum really swung the other way.

Thousands of years ago

Yeah but when you get down to it you are paying a stranger to give you a permanent marking that he doesn't give a fuck about. Seems fake and distasteful to me.

Attached: 3f93e84f43b54795e2e0b9c6cfd7c107.jpg (736x784, 75.7K)

Who is that

Im literally him

>he doesn't give a fuck about
This will highly depend on the individual giving you the tattoo. Many people spend a lot of time on their art, and value it greatly.