Early humans hunted their prey by chasing them to the point of exhaustion. If you are not a long distance runner...

Early humans hunted their prey by chasing them to the point of exhaustion. If you are not a long distance runner, you are a failed human.

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It's a good thing we now have cars to run over deer.

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So you're saying stamina is something you're born with or without, and if I don't have it, I never will?

You were a failed human back then.
You are a failed human nowadays if u don't have money and status.

Good to know I'm not a failed human then

I have my prey raised, slaughtered, and cut into pieces for me. I pick them up every saturday. How that's a failure is beyond me. I'm eating like a king.

>my ancestors spent the day being active and fit, they looked for berries and hunted mammoths, then came back to their cozy cave and fucked all night
>I work a shitty office job where I don't have any time to make quality food, spend all day hunched over on a computer, then come home to an empty apartment with no girlfriend

fuck the universe for making my soul exist in the worst time in human history

contemporary primitive tribes powerwalk and stalk their prey to death, or steal from other predators' fresh kills, they don't run because that superfluous (the dumb animal will run away anyway, you yourself don't have to run tire it out).

The evidence of this occurring is isolated to the point of irrelevance.

No, humans are apex predators due to
1. Our deltoids, allowing us to throw rocks/pointy things really hard and accurately
2. Our intelligence, allowing us to use tools, communicate, set traps, etc.

those early humans died out because the ones who waited at the watering hole to mog some unsuspecting, thirsty deer could outbreed them.
running is a schizoid cope

you also don't die when your tooth starts aching and you can manage to get attached to your wife and kids because there's no 80% chance they will die in the next 5 years
also mosqitos

My ancestors were sassy gatherers back then obviously

you would probably be raped by plagues and wildlife before ever finding a mate, faggot. there is no point yearning for a past. we must only accelerate.

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>flat feet

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Your teeth wouldn't be aching because there's hardly any sugar or carbs if any at all.

The idea that humans should do something because in our species infancy we had to do something is absolutely idiotic. The only reason we would ever follow the diets/behaviors of our ancestors would be if they were healthier and more intelligent than us. They were in fact small, stupid, weak, and they died incredibly early. Modern humans should be laughed at not copied.

This is retarded bullshit. Early humans waited around for lions to kill something and would eat whatever was left behind. A little later on they would develop ambush tactics, slings, and spears. Running an animal into exhaustion is just retarded.

>humans are the only species to communicate
What do you think your dog is doing when he barks? Laughing?

Only some early tribes did that. Some were coastal and fished.

used to be a trail runner. Look how trail runners look
Now I lift and do the minimal cardio. Life got better not having visible ribs

checked, kekked, and /thread