Refuses to grow

>refuses to grow

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start rucking retard

Have you tried lifting weights?

Gain 30lbs and start hiking.

roon, but toe-strike instead of heel-strike.

>uphill sprints
>end of thread

try being obese for 20 years
mine are ripped up

farmers walks till collapse

ive been thinking about it and fat people have big calves so i should mimic them.
you can lift massive weight with calves but fat people dont weigh 200 pounds more than me (i mean some of them do lol) and you can run long distances and use them a lot but fat people arent active so they arent running miles a day

anyway, my conclusion is that i should do 100 calf raises a day while holding, say, 30 pounds. ill probably try to increase these numbers as i go. i think this will make my calves finally grow

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is there anything good I can do for this at home? I have this weird genetic make up of naturally big thighs but tiny calves. my inner knee is starting to hurt on one side and I think this is the issue

My calves put on quite a bit of size doing an absurd amount of volume twice a week.
around 500 weighted reps per session.
When it burns and feel like youre dying, keep pushing.

Stop bouncing your reps to push more weight. Slow reps with a deep stretch at the bottom and a pause at the top. Do sets of 15-20. Only increase weight when you get 20 reps across all sets. Do not stop doing reps before your calves are on fire.

Have you ever considered walking outside?

Calf raises are easy, just make yourself heavier by putting books in bag or something, if you have dumbbells hold them in hand

Jump rope

I do calf raises on my stairs.

Start rucking. I was a pretty mobile obese guy for 10 years and after I dropped the weight I looked skinny as fuck aside from my massive ass calves. Carrying all that weight around builds them like crazy

Start skipping and hiking with weight.

You are fucking retarded.
While running you are dealing with 2-3 times body weight and you are doing 180 reps per minute, so 30 min run would yield you 342000 reps per workout session, or 162000 reps for each calf

This is what the muscle is built for.
Now you retards do STATIONARY calf raises which means there is no landing body weight added, so its less weight than if youd run.
AND you do like 10-30 reps, which is not even 1% what a run would do
Conclusion: You are utterly fucking retarded and have no idea what the human body is for, unironically meathead gym retard.

literally just start walking/running on your toes. 3 months tops

>be me
>weight 300 pounds
>have epic calves though
>lose weight
>claves shrink
I'm going back to being fat

I have massive calves. My maternal grandfather too.

I wonder what is the evolutionary advantage of big calves...

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why are runners like this?

>I'm doing less intensity, less weight, less reps, less volume
>why are my calves not getting bigger
>because you're retarded
>why would runners say this?!

>fat people have big calves