Be me

>be me
>trying to get motivated to go to the gym every single day for min. 2 hours
>can't find something in life to motivate me enough to go more than once a month
>gf loves me too much to ever cheat on me or break up with me
>therefore can't be heartbroken and motivated enough to focus on myself
Anyone got any ideas? Breaking up with her myself won't work cause that won't make me sad.

Attached: gym.webm (576x1024, 1.89M)

> not wanting yourself to be healthy and happy
why don't you like yourself user?

2 hours a day is excessive, if you can't get a good workout in less time then that wtf are you doing?
If you went to that from nothing it's also a huge change from your norm which makes it harder to stick to
be smart OP

I haven't liked myself since 2014.

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i think he meant he needs 2h to find the willpower to get up and go
if you dont do it for yourself (you should) just do it for your gf to give her a more fit handsome bf to show off and be proud off. she deserves the best you if she gives you her best selfe

Do you live your gf? Don’t you want to be the best possible version of yourself for her?
>gf loves me too much to ever cheat
I said the same about my wife :( don’t take her for granted user.

Just follow a routine, go 3 times a week. When it's gym day it's gym day and you have to go, it's like work, it's not some optional thing you have to motivate yourself for.

I've been there user, don't fall into the cycle
> don't like self
> don't put any effort in because don't deserve it
> by not applying effort to anything become even more unlikable

That guy in the tiktok is mentally ill.
He will never be happy

>gf loves me too much to ever cheat on me or break up with me

Hahahahahah you're so fucked


Moativation comes later. You make the habit to go to the gym NOW. The motivation builds after the habit. You go even if you don't have the urge. What the fuck are you gonna do anyway? Shitpost here? Watch some hour long shitty youtube video? Spend it at the gym. One hour. Hell, 20 minutes.

I haven't had any breakup. I haven't had any heartbreak. Most people haven't. Even if you did, that emotion fades. You don't build this life on emotion. You build it on logic.

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>Do you live your gf?
>Don’t you want to be the best possible version of yourself for her?
For last 5 years now she's always told me she doesn't care what I look like and will always encourage me to eat whatever makes me happy.
I don't want to be happy. I want to be fit.

Cool story dough boy. This is a fitness board, not a board for posting shit nobody asked for.

Ps: funny story. There's some guy, that your girlfriend always keeps on the back burner, and the moment you break up she's gonna fuck him within 2 weeks. Ask any girl you're not saying. But sure she loves you bro.

God you should actually kill yourself

>gf loves me too much to ever cheat on me or break up with me
Who's gonna tell him?

People don't love people OP, they love their perception of them. Sometimes that perception is less than ideal but with a caveat of "but they can change"
If you are unambitious, don't take care of yourself your gf's perception of you will change or her hopes for your betterment will change
Don't let complacency get you

how old is he? I want to get tattoos and have a touch of blonde hair dye but I'm almost 25

25 is still okay for tattoos and bleaching your hair. Once you're 30 it's pure cringe. You're seen as someone going off the rails for getting your first tats or dyeing your hair for the first time at 30.

>>Don’t you want to be the best possible version of yourself for her?
>For last 5 years now she's always told me she doesn't care what I look like and will always encourage me to eat whatever makes me happy.
Same here, but I'm pretty sure my wife still enjoys how I look now lean and with muscle instead of fat. There are more variables to beauty, but don't underestimate this one.
Also, being fit you will be more capable of tasks like carrying stuff, going on nice walks/hikes with her, dance with her all night long, better at fucking, more confident and therefore more attractive, she will admire your determination and willpower and how you start to cook healthy and tasty meals.


haha I hate aging so much.

>For last 5 years now she's always told me she doesn't care what I look like and will always encourage me to eat whatever makes me happy.

Note, girls like this, if you do get into shape, she will leave you. She likes the fact you are on/below her level. It gives her comfort.