30 y.o

>30 y.o

It's over...

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>t. bitch
I'm 30 and I've had hemorrhoids for at least 5 years, they're barely a concern.

I feel pain in my ass when try to lift. Even if its pull-ups or another calisthenics. How you beat this shit?

1. Fiber
2. Bidet

No meds?

Get a bidet

Those two should be enough to resolve hemorrhoids in most men. Preparation H will treat symptoms until the fiber and bidet do their job.

i got homo-roids at 18 lmao youre fine old man

>Complaining about haemorrhoids
Try a fissure. That'll put lead in your pencil.

i have been getting hemorrhoids since 14 act like man for fucks sake

Wtf? It's too early

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Can confirm

it's cool bro i had them when i was like 12

>I feel pain in my ass when try to lift.
Try a different spotter for squats, yours sounds sus.

Mine went away when I stopped eating like a child.

I just got them removed a week ago, still recovering from the surgery. Worth it

My diet fine. Idk what the heck with my ass

What type of operation you got?

Get an ass mirror and wipe with moistened toilet paper while squatting.

Just hemorrhoidectomy. They banded the internal ones and cut the external off. Some people say the pain is excruciating but it wasn't that bad for me