How do I into this mode?

How do I into this mode?

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He has the body of a Federal agent
I have been to patriot rallies and most people there are overweight or skinnyfat

so the cops are the true patriots here? based

Train like a fed

use tight shirts
have good pec insertions

good fedpost faggot

God he's really aesthetic and good looking

Who is this?

>if you arent a fat numale your a fed
lmaoing at the absolute state of this country

How is this different from just being fit?

>feds aren't skinny fat chinless retards
How was the swingers party from the corner last night?

Attached: E_l8iubX0AAo6UT.jpg (820x773, 131.45K)

Some omega autist found out that all of their tshirts were from the same bundle from walmart or something similiar

be 5’8 but 5’9 with boots and hit the gym and pout like zoolander

>dollar store feds

It wasn't Walmart. It was Gap or Abercrombie.

hey I have that haircut

>Some omega autist found out
This is why I love this site

>police arrest feds
People actually believe that? People believe the police arrested the feds during a fed gayop? And they didn’t even entrap anybody in particular over an actual crime?

How fucking stupid is everyone to just start screaming “fed” every time some normal looking person disagrees with the status quo

See this posted often, but never with any proof. I tried to look it up but couldn’t verify. I wanna belieeeeve

Did the news get to say X white people are evil? Did they make a show of illegal arrests to scare other groups? Were there any repurcussions or lawsuits to their actions in the public eye? They got everything they wanted out of this.

it's not that all of them are feds, it's that several times in the past feds have infiltrated militias or other groups and convinced them to commit criminal activities with dozens of active informants helping the undercover agents. for an example, the people who kidnapped governor Whittmer, feds convinced them to do that, formed the plan and directed them into her home, then arrested them. sometimes they get the charges dropped and sue the government.

If you told me this was a BBQ of Marine SNCOs and junior Officers I would believe 100% of that. They look like exactly this.

No they didn’t. Normal people were arrested and later that day a tranny exposed himself to children. Who do you think the public sympathizes with? No part of this makes anyone trust cops.

Sure, that happens. But these guys didn’t commit a crime. They weren’t even allowed to protest to get the opportunity to commit a crime. That’s how seriously the state treats real opposition. Compare this to BLM riots.