What fictional character inspires you to work out?

What fictional character inspires you to work out?

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None. I'm 24.

>still liking marvelshit after what they did to it over the last 10 years

>what they did to it
just admit you're a contrarian and you hate popular things
the movies are pedestrian but lets not pretend comics were ever high art


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>just admit you're a contrarian and you hate popular things
No, i hate cringe things.
comics were never like this before

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The comics used to be better, and just slightly more than simple morality tales, until the SJW/soc-prog/deconstructionist fiction bullshit took over instead of the story.

everything good goes to shit

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no one read those comics anyway.

I'd say batman. The guy never quits. And he is insane.

Duke Nukem is my inspiration, based user

Everyone from Run with the Wind.

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Which really makes you think why they keep spamming it out.

my 'gf'

my man


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>What fictional character inspires you to work out?
The idea of me

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Bruce Lee
My dad

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> Fictional, names historical characters.

Reading comprehension of a 12yo.

Unironically kiryu from the Yakuza series. I wanted to look the same when I take a suit off. Was already lifting though so it was more of an aesthetic influence

we're all gonna make it brah
Also, I lift for my waifu, Sadayo Kawakami

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>White woman telling actually Latina that her language is wrong
Art imitates life